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Yeast Infection Natural Remedies: 33 Home Treatment Remedies for Thrush

Last Update May 29th, 2017

Here it is! Our mega list of home treatment remedies for thrush! We’ve compiled a MASSIVE 33 different natural ways that you can help cure vaginal thrush today! 

33 home remedies for vaginal thrush vaginitis

But first! What exactly is vaginal thrush and what causes it?

The discomfort, irritation and itchiness caused by vaginal thrush can ruin your day, that important meeting or even your hot date. It gets so uncomfortable, can be annoying and super embarrassing.

Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection that occurs when there is an overgrowth of a fungus known as Candida Albicans in the vagina. While some amount of the fungus normally lives on the skin and the vagina without causing any harm, certain conditions disrupt the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina leading to the overgrowth of the fungus that leads to the yeast infection.

Vaginal thrush is a common infection and women have a yeast infection at one point in their life (so don’t worry, you’re not alone!). The typical symptoms of vaginal thrush include an abnormal white or creamy vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese, with an unpleasant fishy smell and often accompanied by itchiness, redness and soreness around the vagina. Patients may also complain of a burning sensation during urination and pain during sexual intercourse.

So…What causes vaginal thrush?

The vagina has harmless bacteria that defend it from infections from harmful microorganisms. So, what is thrush caused from if a healthy vajayjay normally has some fungus?

How do you get thrush?

Thrush develops due to disruption of the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina. Some of the triggers include excessive use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Also, if you have diabetes, a weakened immune system or if you’re pregnant you’re more likely to get a yeast infection. Also, certain conditions like warmth and moisture make the vagina prone to a yeast infection. Let’s understand some of the causes of thrush.

Your Thrush Crusade isn’t helped by a weak immune system

People with a healthy immune system can fight infections, and often a yeast infection would go away on its own. But if you have a low immune system it denies your body the ability to prevent the overgrowth of candida. Diseases such HIV/AIDS that weaken the immune system make you more susceptible to yeast infections. When the immune system is impaired it cannot contain the natural defense against the fungus and it grows out of proportion.

Medications can also play a factor in developing thrush

Certain medications are immune suppressive that is they destroy the normal function of the immune system and makes the body weak fight infection. Antibiotics, birth control pills affect the immune system and their prolonged use cause yeast infections. They disturb the healthy balance of microorganisms in the vagina.

Antibiotics kill both the good and the bad bacteria in the body and allow candida to grow rapidly. Taking antibiotics for another infection paves the way for thrush because it also gets rid of the good bacteria which keep Candida in check.

Pregnancy can cause thrush

Pregnancy is a trigger factor for vaginal thrush. During pregnancy hormones cause the increase of glycogen in the vagina. Since glycogen is a form of sugar, it feeds the yeast and makes the candida thrive and causes thrush.

Diabetes is a driver in onset of thrush

People with untreated and uncontrolled diabetes have excess sugar in their blood. Sugar is a fuel that makes yeast multiply so fast. Thrush thrives in an environment of high sugar making it easy for yeast to survive.

A side effect of Cancer can be thrush

Thrush is a known complication of cancer. Cancer patients have a higher risk of candida infection owing to the nature of the disease and the treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy that weaken their immune system. This allows the candida to grow and multiply throughout the body.


How do you prevent vaginal thrush naturally?

A natural yeast infection in your hoo-ha can be uncomfortable and painful and can also be kind of gross (it’s natural, sure, but that doesn’t mean it ain’t gross!).
Do you reach out for antifungal creams and tablets every time you get thrush? Well, antifungal medication can cause adverse side effects such as shortness of breath, fever, nausea and changes in the heartbeat. What’s worse there are strains of candida that are resistant to medication and over time, the fungus becomes resistant to medicines.

abnormal ph levels can cause vaginal thrush

Moreover, an abnormal PH caused by thrush makes you more susceptible to other problems such as infertility, sexually transmitted disease and pelvic inflammatory disease. Therefore, you need fast and efficient treatment to cure thrush pain and restore the normal balance of the microbial flora and the PH to prevent worsening of the condition.

Are you looking for a natural cure for yeast infection?

natural remedies for curing thrush in women and girls

Luckily there are safe and natural thrush treatments that curb candida overgrowth. Rather than just treat the symptoms of vaginal thrush, these thrush natural remedies eliminate the root cause of the infection and restore the natural balance of microorganisms to prevent recurrence of infections.

More so they have antifungal properties that curb new infections. They restore the natural pH of the body and boost the growth of healthy bacteria that keep the harmful microbes such as Candida in check to avoid overgrowth. Thus, they strengthen the immune system. They include essential oils, fermented foods, and probiotics that can prevent thrush for good.

Mega list of home remedies to cure thrush are here to review

33 natural ways to combat and treat thrush – the EPIC LIST starts here!

  1. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can prevent and cure yeast infections naturally. You can use essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, myrrh, and thyme to combat thrush. These oils have antifungal properties and can remove vaginal irritation. Use one or two drops of the essential oil in your bath water. If you feel irritation, itching or redness, stop using the oil immediately.

  1. Grapefruit seed extract

Extract from grapefruit seed is a natural cure for yeast infection because of its antimicrobial properties. You can take grape fruit seed extract every day to curb candida. It is safe for breastfeeding mothers.  

  1. Avoid scented soap

The vagina has its own cleansing mechanism. Therefore, you don’t need to use soap to clean it inside. It’s best to avoid using soap to wash the vagina. Just use plain warm water to wash the vagina. Scented soaps can alter the normal vaginal PH and cause and worsen yeast infections.  Limit using scented soaps and bubble baths as they interfere with the normal PH balance of the vagina and support thrush. Also, wash your underwear with mild soap to avoid irritation to the vagina.

top 5 soaps for treating thrush in women

  1. Avoid douching

Douching increase the risk for yeast infections. It promotes the overgrowth of candida since it removes the healthy bacteria from the vagina. Furthermore, douching can spread the infection to the cervix and the uterus thus further aggravating the situation.

  1. Use lubricants during sex

Did you know that friction during sex can promote candida overgrowth? I bet you didn’t. You may get too dry during sex due to a hormonal problem or an issue with your vulva. As a result, you get sore and cause damage to your vaginal walls, paving a way for yeast infections. Using lubricants during sex may alleviate this issue. Check in with your doctor so that the underlying problem can be identified and dealt with appropriately.
Also be sure to check out our recommendations on which sexual lubricants can help combat thrush!

  1. Wear cotton underwear

Yeast thrives in a moist environment. During the day you sweat a lot. The pubic area is often moist especially if you wear tight trousers. This is where cotton undies come in. It may be cliché, but it’s true that cotton pants absorb moisture and keep the vagina dry. Avoid tight pants made from synthetic materials such as nylon which trap moisture and don’t absorb sweat and can aggravate an existing yeast infection by providing an ideal environment for yeast to multiply. Wear loose clothes that allow for breathing.

**LOOKING FOR THE BEST UNDERWEAR TO WEAR? Read our best underwear top 5 list here!**

5 best underwear for women suffering from thrush

  1. Cranberry juice

Natural cranberry juice with no added sugar is another effective natural remedy for thrush. Since it is strongly acidic, it creates an acidic environment that inhibits the overgrowth of candida. It also relieves pain and itchiness associated with thrush.  Furthermore, it contains vitamin C that promotes a stronger immune system. Drink a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice regularly for maximum benefits.

  1. Boric acid

Boric acid is a powerful antifungal agent that restores the normal PH of the vagina. Since the vaginal environment is acidic, it is not conducive for the growth of fungi. However when the PH balance is interfered with candida multiplies. Taking boric acid supplements restores the acidity of the vagina. It is safe compared to oral antifungal medications since it solves the root cause of the problems rather than the symptoms. It is recommended for diabetic patients and is effective for recurrent vaginal thrush. However, do not use the capsules if you’re pregnant.

  1. Pau D’arco tea

Pau D’arco tea has antifungal properties that kill candida in the vagina. To prepare the tea, put two cups of the bark into four cups of boiling water and cover it for about 20 minutes. Let it cool then strain and drink a little at a time throughout the day.

  1. Milk thistle

Milk thistle supplements are another natural remedy for thrush. They help to detoxify the body by helping the liver to clear away residues of medications such as antibiotics, steroids and birth control pills, heavy metals and toxins from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. All these toxins contribute to a weakened immune system. Once they are cleared, the body is able to recover and the immune system is strengthened.

  1. Caprylic acid

Caprylic acid is another natural and potent antifungal agent. It kills the yeast cells by penetrating their cell membranes and causes them to die. They also speed up the healing from the candida infection.

  1. Olive leaf extract

Olive leaf is sufficient to kill microorganisms that cause thrush because of its antifungal properties. Moreover, it contains oleuropein which boosts your immunity. You can make the olive leaf into a tea. Put 1 or 2 teaspoons of olive leaf extract in a glass of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain and drink it.

  1. Myrrh oil

Myrrh oil is another essential oil that has antifungal properties and is effective against candida. Myrrh stimulates the immune response and reduces inflammation caused by yeast infections.

  1. Clove oil

Clove oil is an essential oil that has strong antifungal properties and is effective against thrush. In a study that sought to compare its mechanism of action, the findings concluded that clove oil was more effective than the over the counter antifungal medication called nystatin.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C builds a healthy immune system and helps your body to fight infections fast. It stimulates the adrenal glands to restore the immune system. You can take a vitamin C supplement with 1000 milligrams twice every day. However, fruits such as oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin C and should form a significant part of your diet.

  1. Hygiene

Ensure to bath at least once a day to remove dirt and sweat build up from the vagina. When you go to the toilet, ensure that you use a clean tissue and wipe yourself from the front to the back to prevent passing bacteria from the anus to the vagina.

  1. Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver has antiviral properties. It’s alkaline nature support and boosts the immune system. Take one or two tablespoons every day to cure candida and prevent regrowth.

  1. Starchy vegetables

Vegetables such as yams, peas, beans, carrots and beetroot give the body a natural boost. They help the spleen to clear candida from your body

  1. Limit sugar intake/low sugar diet

Yeast feeds on sugar and uses it as a fuel for its growth. Eating highly processed foods laced with added sugars can cause and worsen candida. Avoid sugary foods and drinks such as white bread, biscuits, fizzy drinks, beer. Also, avoid highly processed foods such as ketchup that also contain a lot of sugar.

  1. Eat whole foods

Whole grains and whole foods have complex sugars that are not easy to digest. They are also rich in fiber and limit the amount of glucose in the blood. A proper thrush diet should include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, and legumes. This diet discourages the growth of yeast. By starving yeast of sugar, you curb their overgrowth and keep candida in check.

  1. Fermented vegetables

Fermented vegetables promote the formation of good bacteria which strengthen the immune system. They boost the amount of the good bacteria in the body and restore the healthy balance of microorganisms in the body. Thus, they help to prevent the overgrowth of candida. Vegetables such as pickles and sauerkraut can be fermented and eaten regularly.

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an effective natural remedy for thrush. It has anti-candida properties and is useful to control vaginal thrush. It has high potent antifungal properties that inhibit the growth of candida. Regular use of cinnamon reduces the recurrence of candida. Put half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. Let it cool then drink it. To make it tasty, add lemon juice. You can also mix cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil and apply on the sore labia. Leave it for ten minutes then rinse off. You can do this for a few days. However, avoid cinnamon if you are pregnant.

  1.  Oregano oil

Oregano oil boosts your immune system, kills fungus quickly and prevents the recurrence of candida in the vagina. It has strong antifungal properties and inhibits the growth of yeast. Take five drops of the oil daily for less than or ten days to rip the anti-candida benefits. But don’t exceed two days. Put three drops of oregano oil to a cup of warm water. Drink it twice daily for a few weeks until the symptoms go away.

  1. Baking soda

Baking soda is a cheap vaginal thrush treatment. It kills yeast and stops the infection. It contains sodium bicarbonate that is effective to kill Candida albicans. It helps to maintain the normal PH balance in the vagina. Apply a mixture of baking soda with distilled water on the affected area.

  1. Saltwater

Salt is an excellent natural remedy for thrush. It creates an environment where fungus cannot grow in. It kills fungi and other harmful bacterial. Mix salt in your bathing water every day until the symptoms go away. Sprinkle the salt water on the vaginal area to relieve itchiness twice a day for one week.

  1. Probiotics supplement

Apart from yogurt, you can take a probiotics supplement that contains live acidophilus. They have a higher amount of healthy bacteria compared to yogurt. They help to restore the balance of microbial flora in the gut and the vagina

  1. Ginger    

Ginger is a natural antifungal agent. It can contribute to fight yeast infections quickly and prevent the spread of the infection. You can chew on fresh ginger on a daily basis. Alternatively, you can crush the ginger and boil it and drink the tea two to three times a day for about a week.

  1. Water

Drink plenty of water to help flush out all the toxins and yeast from the body. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day to alleviate candida infection.

And now…The Top 5 natural remedies for thrush!

  1. Garlic

Garlic is has very potent antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Eating a fresh clove of organic raw garlic every day can help to cure a yeast infection naturally. Garlic kills fungi and harmful bacteria, inhibits the growth of yeast and boosts your immune system. You can also place a clove of garlic inside the vagina at night and remove it in the morning for a few days. It relieves itchiness and irritation caused by thrush. Also add raw garlic to your meals every day to benefit from the antifungal properties.

  1. Yoghurt

A healthy vagina has a natural balance of microbes. The friendly bacteria coexist with fungi without causing an infection. However, some conditions such as diabetes and medications like antibiotics interfere with the normal microbial flora. The harmful fungus then grows rapidly out of control leading to an infection.

Yogurt with live lactobacilli culture strengthens your immune system and helps you to fight yeast infections even before they start. They add the friendly bacteria and restore their population in the vagina. They are effective to restore the natural balance of bacteria in the body which helps to kill candida in the body. Thus, they prevent thrush and cure an existing infection.

Yogurt offers a long-term solution because it does not only deal with the symptoms but also the root because that is the imbalance of the vaginal flora. It is recommended to take yogurt regularly especially after a dose of antibiotics. Incorporate yogurt in your daily diet. To treat an infection, drink 2-3 cups of yogurt daily for a few weeks. You may also smear live yogurt that is unsweetened on the external part of the vagina to relieve itchiness and treat the infection.

  1. Coconut oil

You have probably heard about the antimicrobial benefits of coconut oil. It contains lauric acid that kills the fungus albicans from the body. A recent study showed that the oil is effective against multiple strains of Candida. You can drink the oil to get the benefits. It detoxifies your body and clears yeast and relieves the irritation caused by the yeast infection. Drink 2-3 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil to cure thrush. You can apply coconut oil directly to the external part of the vagina a few times a day for a few weeks.

  1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a popular antifungal natural thrush treatment. It has potent antifungal properties that kill yeast and control the growth of yeast and provides quick recovery. You can apply diluted tea tree oil inside the vagina using an applicator. It can be added to bath water to cure vaginal thrush.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar also has antifungal properties. It is a natural disinfectant and can help to clear a yeast infection. Vinegar contains enzymes that can control the growth of candida. It boosts the immune system and helps you put up strong defense against candida.

Vinegar helps to restore the normal PH of the vagina which is acidic. The acidic environment kills fungi and relieves itching and gets rid of the infection. If your PH is abnormal, you can add vinegar to your bath. You may put tampons soaked in vinegar inside the vagina to relieve the infection, however it could be irritating.


Don’t think the natural remedies are working? Want to go for the one-two punch knockout?!

Supporting your natural remedies for vaginal thrush with over the counter medicine can give you a great boost in your battle against your thrush condition.

which medicine is best for treating thrush in women

Here are the TOP 5 over the counter thrush remedies to help you get the job done!

We compiled a list of the top five reviewed products on amazon to help you make an informed decision about how to go about your vaginal thrush treatment.


5. H-D Feminine Health Support, Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories

HD feminine health support boric acid suppositories

PH-D feminine support promotes a healthy PH balance in the vagina. Normally your vajayjay is acidic. That environment keeps it healthy and prohibits the growth of harmful fungi. When the normal pH is interfered with due to illness or diet, it paves way for infections.
PH-D feminine health support contains boric acid that acts to restore the normal PH level and curbs vaginal thrush. Whether you have vaginal itch, discharge or bad odor, this product can fix it.
To use it, insert one suppository inside your vagina at bedtime for 6-14 days depending on the doctor’s prescription. It will get rid of itchiness and prevent recurrence of yeast infection.

4. Good Sense Miconazole 7day cream

goodsense antifungal cream for vaginal thrush in women review

Good Sense is an effective antifungal cream that contains Miconazole Nitrate as the active ingredient. It is an effective cure for vaginal yeast infections.
It kills the yeast and relieves itching, irritation and bad odor.Good Sense is recommended to be used for seven days and comes with disposable applicators.
Apply the cream for seven days with a clean applicator at bedtime.


3. VH Essentials Prebiotic Vaginal Suppositories

vh essentials vaginal suppositories for women review

VH essential prebiotics supports the natural balance of microbial flora in the vagina. It offers a long lasting solution to vaginal thrush by dealing with the root problem of vaginal thrush, which is overgrowth of candida.
It restores the amount of good bacteria that keep the harmful fungi in check. It also wades off bad odor itchiness and infections, thus makes the vajayjay clean, fresh and healthy.
Prebiotics need not to be refrigerated unlike probiotics, thus can be used anywhere without the fear that they would go bad.

2. Balance Complex – All-Natural Complete Female Wellness Supplement

Cure thrush and balance pH levels with Balance Complex

Balance Complex restores the normal PH balance in your hooo-ha.

That uncomfortable itchiness, fish smell and awful discharge is caused by an off balance in the pH of your hoo-ha.

The imbalance is caused by antibiotics, douching and use of spermicides. Off balance PH creates an environment where yeast quickly multiplies, leading to candida. That’s where Balance Complex comes in.
It restores the normal acidic environment in the vajayjay that prevents growth of candida. It supports growth of healthy bacteria which thrives in an acidic environment.
By maintaining the normal vaginal acidity, it gives a long term solution to vaginal thrush. It gives relief from vaginal itchiness, discharge and prevents overgrowth of yeast. It also eliminates awful vaginal odor.

For best results take 2 capsules every day.


1. Monistat Vaginal Antifungal Medication 1- day, 0.16-Ounce Prefilled Applicator

Monistat vaginal antifungal ointment cream with applicator review

Monistat is a one day antifungal medication that cures vaginal yeast infections. It comes with a prefilled applicator that is easy to use. The single dose is a simple therapy that is ideal for women with a busy lifestyle.

Monistat contains Tioconazole and is perfect for women who are sensitive to miconazole. It is also simple to use. Use the prefilled applicator and insert it into the vagina at bedtime. Empty the entire content inside the vagina then throw away the applicator. This is a one-dose treatment but for effective relief use it for about seven days until the symptoms go away. However, do not use if you don’t have a doctors diagnosis.


There you have it! 33 simple ways to cure yeast infection naturally.

Now go out there and take the thrush crusade on knowing you have a huge array of natural remedies in your arsenal!

What is the BEST underwear for thrush 2017

Last Update May 28th, 2017

Best underwear for thrush

What is the BEST underwear for thrush.

Before we get into how underwear can cause or prevent thrush, let’s first understand exactly what thrush is!

Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection caused by Candida albicans. It is a super embarrassing ailment that can rob you of a lot of comfort, peace of mind and that perfect date night experience! Simply put, there’s nothing worse than when your vaa-jay gets itch-ay.

But…fear not! You are not alone.

Vaginal thrush is a very common infection that affects a majority of women in their lifetime. In fact the stats state that over 75% of all women experience thrush at least once! Although for some women the infection is worse and more difficult in the sense it keeps recurring. If you are one of the poor women suffering from recurrent thrush then quickly read on to understand what causes it and how you can help prevent it, simply by choosing the right underwear.

Ok, so how do you know if you have thrush?

  • Itchiness around the pubic area that results to soreness.
  • Thick, creamy white and odorless vaginal discharge, although sometimes it’s watery.
  • You may experience some discomfort and pain during sex.
  • A stinging sensation when going to the toilet and passing urine may be present.
  • You notice a red, swollen vagina that may have sores.

What causes vaginal thrush?

Normally, we all have a small amount of bacteria and fungi, even Candida albicans, in the body and the vagina too without causing any problem. There also exist harmless, (good) bacteria that also live in the vagina and stop candida or other harmful microorganisms from thriving.

However, some factors such as illness, medication or stress may disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms and thus make you get thrush. The good bacteria reduces in number and cannot keep the fungi in check, thus they multiply rapidly and invade the vagina and cause an infection.

The fungi normally thrive in warm and moist places that are airless. Thus the vagina is a common site for a candida infection.

Among the most causes of thrush include low immunity, having diabetes and taking antibiotic medication. But a major contributor to development of thrush is by wearing improper underwear. While there are many treatments for thrush, you can easily prevent thrush by choosing good underwear.

So how does underwear cause thrush?

Now that we have gone through the causes and symptoms of thrush, let’s look into how your underwear choices can help you get rid of (and more importantly – prevent) stubborn yeast infections.

You may have realised that underwear you pick is important in relation to developing or curing thrush, but maybe you haven’t given this decision the gravitas it deserves.

Ask any woman and she’ll tell you that deciding which underwear to buy can be very, very confusing. Do you go with pants or briefs? Is the material also important? Do you choose cotton, silk or lycra? I mean how complicated can it be!?

Choosing good underwear can be life changing for you.

But don’t let that overwhelm you. I’ll explain.

The wrong panties contribute a lot to vaginal health especially because you wear panties all day long. The wrong environment encourages yeast to grow. Synthetic materials like nylon and lycra trap moisture and heat close to your skin. That provides a great environment for yeast to grow.

Cotton is the best option because it absorbs moisture and sweat leaving you dry and cool.  Silk is also a good fabric. Cotton pants remove moisture from the skin and discourage the growth of yeast because they thrive in a moist environment. The natural cotton fibers keep you fresh for longer. It is for that reason that all panties should have cotton to avoid wetness. The main aim is to prevent the vagina from being constantly warm, moist and airless. Cotton underwear can help significantly.

Breathable pants made from breathable cotton fibers allow the skin to breath and sweep away the moisture in the body. Once you eliminate the moisture away from the body and let it evaporate through the fiber you let the skin remain cool and dry thus prevent the growth of yeast because they can’t survive in a dry environment.

More quick tips to prevent thrush

Although thrush is a common aliment you can prevent it from occurring.

After all, prevention is alway better than a cure!

Furthermore, the symptoms like itchiness are just plain annoying, demotivating and embarrassing.


  • Change panties after workout

sweaty gym panties cause thrush in women

Don’t stay in sweaty gym clothes for longer than you have to. When you come from the gym be sure to shower and change into clean and dry underwear as soon as possible.

Dry your vagina properly after taking a shower to get rid of moisture. Always carry extra underwear in your gym bag. When you take care of your hygiene you smell fresh and prevent yeast infections. The gym is your friend, but not necessarily your vaginas.


  • Avoid wearing very tight jeans or undergarments


Jeans, tights and leggings trap heat and moisture to build up in the pubic area. Choose loose pants to aid in breathability. The fabric should also be light. Jeans are a heavy fabric that do a great job at blocking air from entering or leaving, so the air is trapped and in turn, the area gets moist. Whenever you wear jeans always ensure that you wear cotton panties underneath. Also, during the night, avoid wearing tight fitting pajamas. Instead, choose loose fitting cotton pajamas. Remember you need to let the vagina breath because dark + moist = the perfect hideout for yeast.


  • Don’t wear underwear at night or when you’re at home

take your panties off at home to help prevent vaginal thrush

Ok ladies, lets get liberal! Get naked as often as you can even during the day if you’re all alone and at night. You have worn panties all day, now it’s time to let your lady parts have a rest. Do you know that relief you get when you kick off your heels or loosen your bra after a long day of work? I bet you do. Why should your vaginal area miss out on a similar relief?

Wearing breathable and loose fitting pajamas or sleeping without panties at night can help keep infections at bay.

Let’s find the best underwear that can help deal with the thrush menace completely.

Here are the best five choices for loose, light and well-fitting underwear that can combat thrush.

5. Calvin Klein Women’s 5 Pack Cotton Stretch Logo Bikini

Calvin Klein Womans Bikini Stretch Cotton

Calvin Klein bikini is made from 95% Cotton and 5% Elastane. Cotton panties help to keep you dry and discourage the growth of candida. They are designed with cotton stretch for comfort and shape retention. The elastic waistband helps it to fit correctly without being too baggy or tight. These bad boys are one comfortable pair of knickers. Furthermore, they come printed with the iconic Calvin Klein logo. Say goodbye to recurrent thrush infections with the cotton stretch bikini underwear. If you do intend to purchase, please make note that these seem to run a little small.

Here’s what other customers are saying about these Calvin Klein stunners.

Amazon review: Natalia. [Usr=5]. – “Love these! Fits perfect on 27 inch waist. Very comfortable, they do look smaller than usual but it doesn’t affect me in this case. I would recommend buying one size up from your usual size. Other than that, these are great and I highly recommend!”

Amazon review: – Amazon Customer. [Usr=5]. “On the thinner side compared to my other underwear but fit as expected. Very comfortable.”

4. Jockey women’s underwear classic French cut 3 pack

Jockey womens french cut underwear review

The Jockey underwear is made with 100% pure cotton to offer you comfort like no other. Cotton makes the underwear soft and comfortable for long wear. The underwear has a higher-cut to give a flattering, smooth look. Jockey classic French cut panties will not only make you feel sexy but also keep away moisture from your hoo-haa, leaving you dry and starving the fungi at the same time, so that they pack their bags and leave for good.

Here’s what other customers are saying about Jockey underwear.

Amazon review: – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5). “These are my favorite. Perfect fit and being all cotton they are recommended by my doctor. Cotton is better for anyone prone to infections.”

Amazon review: – M. H. Gepharton. [Usr=5]. “I’ve worn Jockey French cuts for many years now and I find them very comfortable. I love cotton fabric as it breathes whereas synthetics don’t and can cause problems. I highly recommend Jockey products!”

3. Hanes Women’s Cotton Briefs 6 Pack White

Hanes womens cotton breifs underwear review

Product link: Hanes women’s underwear is made from 100% soft, breathable cotton. The breathable cotton mesh allows the release of moisture away from your pink lady leaving you dry and fresh. They keep you dry for longer even on a hot day. Isn’t that good news? Also, you don’t need to worry about panties misbehaving because they have no ride up leg bands. The undies give total coverage on the front and back. They come preshrunk for a lasting fit. You may select different colors from white to prints or solids. The colors and print may vary depending on the package.

Here’s what other customers are saying about Hanes underwear.

Amazon review: – Dawn A. Valenti. [Usr=5]. “Quality product. Great fit. Very comfortable.”

Amazon review: – WY. [Usr=5]. “Great basic white cotton underwear. Just what I needed for a healthier lifestyle. I stopped to wear the fancy underwear from Victoria Secret and so on in adoption of cotton dye free basic underwear. They fit as expected.”

2. Fruit of the Loom Women’s 6 Pack beyond Soft Bikini Panties

Fruit of the Loom Women's Beyond Soft Bikini Panties review

Fruit of the Loom women’s beyond soft briefs come in a convenient 6 pack. They are made from soft fabric made up of a blend of 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester that is durable and comfortable. They are designed to give maximum comfort for the whole day. Whether you work in the fields or in the office or in the comfort of your home, these panties absorb moisture and thus curb growth of candida.

The fabric gives a comfortable feel and does not shrink or lose color and fits properly. Each brief features a tagless, flat microfiber waist and leg bands that are soft on your skin. These give the panties a smooth finish and you can wear them with any outfit without having to worry about annoying underwear lines. The briefs come in lovely assorted colors so that you have different color choices for different days.

Here’s what other customers are saying about Fruit of the Loom underwear.

Amazon review: – Satisfied Customer. [Usr=5]. “Very comfortable. Fit well and are so soft. Will buy more.”

Amazon review: – Andee. [Usr=5]. “Great underwear. Very soft. No tags, so great for sensitive skin. Size is as expected-true to size. Wish they came in white, nude, and black.”

And now the number one underwear is?


Drumroll please…

1. Fruit of the loom Women’s 4 pack breathable hipster panties

Fruit of the Loom Womans Breathable underwear review

These Fruit of the Loom hipster panties are made from a breathable cotton- mesh fabric that support the flow of air as well as wicks away moisture from the pubic area leaving you cool and dry all day long.

The fabric is 91% cotton. If you have followed our conversation now you understand the equation; cotton = less moisture, which = no candida overgrowth.

You can choose from a variety of colors that are available. They also have a smooth and comfy waistband to give you the maximum comfort.

Amazon review: – Jotaluke. (Usr=5) – “I took a chance and bought on line. I am very happy I did! These underwear are SO comfortable! They fit and feel amazing! I am going to buy another pack to have more! The material is thick enough to have a good feel and is breathable as they say. The size was accurate as well. I only wish they had them in more colors!”

Amazon review: – Tess- (Usr=5) – “Wonderful, no seams to have hurting your sides and they breathe too. So nice. Love them.”

The final word on thrush:

Thrush is a leading complaint of most women. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed and confused about the steps to take to completely get rid of thrush. The best choice is preventing the atmosphere that would encourage the growth of candida in the first place.

Underwear made of cotton absorbs moisture around the pubic area and helps you to remain dry. Since candida thrives in a wet environment, when you choose undies that locks in moisture you help facilitate the problem.

Choosing the right underwear is a great preventive measure against thrush. Be sure to check out the top 5 underwear that will give you the ultimate comfort and keep infections at bay.

Thrush Treatment For Babies. Is Thrush Painful For Babies?

Last Update May 21, 2017

is thrush painful for babies?

Your baby has white patches in the mouth that are interfering with feeding. The doctor says that it is thrush. So, what is thrush? Well, read on to find out.

What is thrush? Why does my baby have thrush?

Thrush is a common fungal infection caused by a type of yeast called Candida albicans. It is a harmless infection that causes oral thrush in babies with characteristic cottage cheese like lesions on the tongue, the cheeks, and roof of the baby’s mouth. Underneath the lesions, the skin is red and can bleed when scraped.

Don’t be scared. You are not alone. Oral thrush is common in infants, and about one in seven babies get thrush at some point. Although it’s common for infants below two months, it can also affect older children. Normally, it is usually harmless and easy to treat.

baby oral thrush picture

How do you know that it is thrush?

  • The white patches looks like cottage cheese and don’t rub or wash off easily.
  • If your baby is unsettled and is reluctant to feed. He may cry during breastfeeding or when sucking on the feeding bottle because the mouth is sore. He may also detach frequently from the breasts.
  • Cracking of the corners of the mouth when they open the mouth.
  • Loss of taste.
  • Difficulty in swallowing foods.
  • Some babies may get nappy rash.

What causes babies to get thrush?

Fungus is not all that bad. It’s normal and healthy to have a few fungi in the mouth, and it is often harmless. Actually, a few microorganisms live on the body in an average healthy person in the mouth and the digestive tract. They are often harmless until when they overgrow and increase in number. So what causes oral thrush in babies?

Babies have an immature immune system

Oral thrush in babies occurs because their immune system may not resist infection. Yeast may multiply because the immune regime of the baby is still underdeveloped and cannot control the growth of candida. Oral thrush infection sets in when there is an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in your baby’s mouth. The fungus overgrows and causes infection on the membranes of the mouth.


If your baby had recently been treated with antibiotics, the baby might then also get thrush. Antibiotics reduce the amount of healthy bacteria in the mouth, which allows the fungus to grow. Also, if you’re still breastfeeding mother, and you were on antibiotic medication recently, you can pass the drugs to the baby during breastfeeding. That can also cause an imbalance of the good and the bad bacteria and can lead your baby to suffer from thrush.

Mom to baby thrush infection

Mom and babies transmit thrush to each other back and forth. Often mothers who had a yeast infection during pregnancy can transmit a yeast infection to the baby in the birth canal during the delivery process. The baby with thrush then passes the infection to the mother during breastfeeding on the nipples.

Poor hygiene

If the pacifiers or bottle feeding bottle nipples are not cleaned properly, your baby can get thrush. Fungi loves sugar a lot. So, if the equipment it not cleaned properly it allows fungi to thrive. Using non-sterile feeding bottles then makes your baby get a yeast infection.

oral thrush treatment for babies

Is thrush painful for babies?

Thrush may be painful in some infants. There’s nothing as saddening like a baby in pain. The baby may be hungry but refuse to feed and be unsettled and uncomfortable. The lesions often get painful if left untreated or if the lesions are bruised during feeding and cause bleeding.  The doctor will most likely look to prescribe acetaminophen for the pain relief.


Home remedies for thrush in babies. How to use them to prevent thrush.

Does your child get recurrent bouts of thrush and you’re wondering how to cure thrush in babies?  While there are various thrush treatment for babies, there are also various ways to curb the menace before it starts. Prevention is better than cure and thrush can be prevented.

Proper Hygiene

Thoroughly clean all feeding equipment including bottle nipples, all pieces of a breast pump and pacifiers regularly and sterilise them in hot water after use. You can also use water and vinegar then let them dry.  Also, disinfect toys that your baby puts in their mouth. This will help to kill the yeast to avoid reinfection. If you express your milk ensure that it is covered and placed in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of yeast.

As a breastfeeding mom you can use nursing pads to prevent the fungus from spreading to your clothes. Then wash and disinfect them after use.

Change your baby’s diapers regularly to prevent fungal diaper rash. Ensure that you wash your hands after changing the diaper to stop spreading the thrush infection.

Prevent mother to child infection

To avoid transmission from a mother to the newborn during delivery, pregnant women should get treated for vaginal yeast infection before they plan to give birth. Painful, cracked and sensitive nipples that change color may indicate a problem that needs to be checked.

If your nipples are red and sore, chances are you might have the infection, and you and your baby will pass it on back and forth. If the baby has oral thrush, they may pass it to you while breastfeeding. Ensure that you promptly seek medical attention if you have nipple discharge or pain to avoid passing the thrush infection that can be transmitted to the baby. You can air the breasts in between feeds.

Probiotics therapy for curing thrush.

When treating thrush in babies, it’s advisable to keep it natural. Probiotics such as yogurt or acidophilus supplements restore the normal balance of microbial flora in the mouth. Avoid excessive use of antibiotics because they reduce immunity and increase the susceptibility to yeast infections.  

What over the counter medicines are there for mothers who want to rid their babies of thrush?

Often thrush in babies can clear up on its own in a few weeks. Consult your doctor if you suspect that your baby has thrush especially if it’s recurrent. Doctors often prescribe antifungal oral thrush treatment for babies. And an antifungal cream for the mother’s breasts.  The two common oral antifungal medications include miconazole and nystatin.

Miconazole to treat thrush.

Miconazole is often the first line of treatment that doctors prescribe. However, it should not be used to treat thrush in babies less than four months unless if the doctor prescribes it.

Apply the cream on the white patches after every feed using a clean finger or sponge applicator, then wipe off before the next feed. Don’t apply on the back of the throat and use a little at a time to prevent choking. Use the cream several times a day until the infection clears to prevent recurrence of the infection. If the infection does not clear after a week of using the medication, consult your doctor.

Nystatin for curing a baby of thrush.

Nystatin is an alternative oral thrush treatment for babies. It is in liquid form, and you can use a dropper to apply the drops to the affected area, including the tongue and the cheeks. It is used in treating thrush in babies when miconazole is not effective to clear the thrush, or it is not suitable for the baby. Nystatin often doesn’t cause any side effects.

The doctor may prescribe Nystatin or Lotrimin to apply to your nipples to prevent back and forth infection from you and your baby. Consult the doctor if the thrush prolongs more than seven days after starting treatment.


Fluconazole for thrush in older children.

The doctor may prescribe Fluconazole for older children. However, for older children, it is important to check for the underlying diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Diabetes. Treatment of the underlying problem may stop further infection and minimizes recurrence. Continue with the treatment until the thrush is cleared.

Ok, now you know what is causing thrush on your baby. The next step is to look at the most popular products on the market for helping you treat the thrush your baby is suffering.

Three of the best oral thrush treatments for babies are:

PRO-Kids: Children’s Probiotics

probiotics review to help you cure your babies thrush

Pro-Kids probiotics is a natural oral thrush treatment for babies. It gives your child a good foundation of a strong immune system because it restores the natural balance of microbial flora in the body. Antibiotics and other medication can affect the balance of bacteria that boosts immunity.

The probiotics are made with a patented technology that ensures that the pills get to the intestinal tract intact. The probiotics are resistant to stomach acid and will be effective.  Does your child have difficulty to swallow that it becomes a strenuous time full of drama? Worry not. The pills are very small and easy to swallow. It is made from natural ingredients and had no added flavors, sweeteners or artificial color.

The downside is that no matter how small the pills are, some children may still fear to swallow. Also, if you keep the package open for long the culture may die and make the pills much less effective. So you will need to buy in smaller packages or you will have to refrigerate them.

Amazon reviewChristy Con5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “They also work good! The first week of the daughter taking them we saw improvement in her sleeping. She slept an average of an hour longer and quit getting up in the middle of the night.”


2. Daktarin Oral Gel Miconazole

daktarin oral thrush treatment for babies

Daktarin Oral Gel is used as a treatment for oral thrush in babies. The active ingredient of the gel is Miconazole. It can be used by toddlers older than four months. It clears fungal infections in the mouth and prevents the spread of the infection.

Daktarin Oral Gel kills yeast cells by interfering with their membranes and creates holes in them. Since the cell membranes are vital for fungi survival, once they are destroyed they die. Apply a small amount of the gel is on the white patches with a clean finger or the applicator enclosed in the bottle.

However, the downside is that the tube is small. Some customers complained that one tube is inadequate. So you will need to buy about three tubes for the dose.

Amazon reviewSK5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “Did clear up my Newborns Thrush within a day.”

Amazon reviewSmanG – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This gel worked wonders for my toddler! Overnight it cleared up his mouth infection! No need for a prescription that takes days to work! I would recommend this product 100%.”


1. Aquaflora Candida High Potency

baby oral thrush treatment high potency

Aquaflora Candida high potency is effective against multiple strains of candida. It is made from safe and natural ingredients that are safe for your child. It has no alcohol, sugar, dairy or gluten. Moreover, unlike some thrush treatment for babies, it is odor free and taste free. It is designed to work quickly and provides fast relief.

However, the downside is that the package is in small quantities and you may need to purchase more than one bottle.

Amazon review –  Noodlenoodle –  5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “My 15 month old had a terrible diaper rash yeast infection. Topical treatments didn’t help at all. I bought this stuff and WOW. It was like magic. He still takes a small dose every day to keep the yeast away. This stuff is amazing.”


Oral thrush is a menace when it affects babies, and it’s the last thing you want your baby to suffer from as a loving parent!

They become so uncomfortable and the pain caused from thrush can then interfere with their feeding. More so, your sleep will suffer as you worry that your baby is unwell and is suffering pain due to thrush.
You already know how irritable a hungry baby is. The sight is pitiful, when they can’t feed because the mouth is sore. But at the same time they can’t stay hungry.
The best solution is to treat the underlying problem – which is oral thrush in this case – if you want your baby to be happy. A happy baby is a happy parent!