Category Archives: Thrush treatment

What Is The Best Oral Thrush Treatment in 2018?

Last Update June 26th, 2018

What is oral thrush and how can I treat it?

what is the best oral thrush treatment

You may have experienced the common itchy menace in your lady parts down there called yeast infection. Majority of women experience it and it’s nasty. Now, picture this, the same discomfort in your mouth. this is often called oral thrush.

what does oral thrush look like? is it contageous?

Oral thrush, commonly referred to as oropharyngeal (oral) candidiasis is a yeast infection that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is caused by Candida albicans which is a fungus from the genus Candida.

– Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections
– Top 3 supplements for balancing pH levels and curing thrush 
–What are the best soap substitutes in 2018 for thrush?
– Yeast Infection Natural Remedies: 33 Home Treatment Remedies for Thrush

So what’s the relationship with vaginal yeast infection?
The same fungus that cause vaginal yeast infection is the same that causes
oral thrush in babies and jock itch in adults.

The first symptom of oral thrush is white bumps form on the inner cheeks and the tongue.

oral thrush looks like this tongue here

The infection is often mild and rarely causes complications, but it can get worse for people with weak immune systems due to disease like HIV or due to medications. The fungus may enter the blood stream and spread to all parts of the body.  Eventually, it may affect the brain, heart, liver and skin, especially in people with weakened immune system; cancer and HIV. Furthermore, some strains of Candida are resistant to medication and can worsen the condition. It is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another.

can oral thrush spread through kissing?

How Is Oral Thrush Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of oral thrush is made by examining the mouth (funnily enough). Often the symptoms in question are the white lesions on the mouth, tongue, and cheeks. The doctor may scrape the lesion to reveal the reddened and tender skin that might bleed. Then, the tissue from the area is examined under a microscope to diagnose the disease.

What are the symptoms of Oral Thrush?

  • Creamy white lesions on the inner cheeks and mouth, and sometimes going over the gums, back of the throat and tonsils.
  • Painful lesions that bleed and can be painful when you brush your teeth.
  • Pain and difficulty in swallowing.
  • Fever, sometimes, if the infections cross past the esophagus


What causes oral thrush?

Typically a small amount of the fungus is present in the mouth of a healthy person and doesn’t cause any harm. Candida does not overgrow because of the “good” bacteria also present in the mouth to keep it in check. However, some factors like illnesses, medication and stress may cause an imbalance and make Candida to grow out of control, resulting to thrush.

Some medications can actually help cause oral thrush.

Probiotics are the good bacteria, mold, and fungi that live naturally in the mouth and form a substantial part of the immune system. Certain medications such as antibiotics contraceptives and corticosteroids destroy the healthy balance of microorganisms in the mouth. They reduce the number of the healthy microorganisms that offer natural protection from harmful microorganisms.

Antibiotics eliminate both the harmful and healthy microorganism that keeps the fungus in check. Excessive use of antibiotics reduces the healthy probiotics that protect from candida.

Birth control pills can also encourage the growth of candida. Research has shown that it can cause the recurrence of the yeast infection.

woman looking worried about her mouth thrush problem

Cancer treatment

Oral thrush can also be a complication of cancer and cancer treatments in patients. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer kill healthy cells and enhance the susceptibility to oral thrush and other fungal infections. The treatments weaken the immune system, and it can no longer control the growth of harmful bacteria. Thus they multiply and spread throughout the body.


Weak immune system can help oral thrush thrive.


The immune system of a healthy person is strong enough to fight harmful microorganisms such as Candida albicans fungus, bacterial and viruses. A weak immune system attracts opportunistic infections like oral thrush that an otherwise healthy person can fight. Certain illnesses and conditions can cause a weakened immune system and makes the body weak and unable to fight harmful microorganisms.Often such infections are early indications of immune deficiency diseases like HIV.


Oral thrush can be caused by diabetes

Uncontrolled or untreated diabetes causes spikes in high sugar levels in the saliva. People with diabetes are more susceptible to oral thrush. Candida is yeast and yeast feeds on sugar. Candida is more addicted to sugar than you are. It benefits more from sweets and cake than you.  It uses the sugar as fuel its growth. So before you take a bite of that piece of yummy cake, think once more.

Dentures and oral thrush.

People with dentures often get oral thrush. More so if a person with dentures takes a diet that is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates and does not clean their teeth on a daily basis. This is because the yeast uses the sugar build up in the dentures to grow and multiply. The plaques accumulate and allow microorganisms to build up and encourage the growth of candida fungus.

Vaginal yeast infections

Both vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush are caused by the same fungus. If you are pregnant and have a yeast infection you can pass the infection to your newborn baby during delivery. The newborn then develops oral thrush. During breastfeeding, the babies can pass the infection from to the mother.  


Natural oral thrush remedies

Oral thrush care is important to prevent recurrence of infections. You can prevent it by simple routines and natural foods. The below practises will help strengthen your immune system, helping you treat oral thrush and also prevent it from happening again.

Good oral hygiene

brush teeth to stop oral thrush

If you want to starve Candida and keep it away from you for good, practice good oral hygiene. Ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Also, floss at least once a day to get rid of the buildup of bacteria from between your teeth. Ensure that you visit your dentist regularly especially if you have diabetes, if you smoke or use dentures.  

Why dentures? Well dentures can allow the buildup of plaque and sugars in the teeth, and oral thrush thrives off of sugars. Clean dentures thoroughly and remove them when sleeping. Soak the dentures overnight in vinegar or a cleanser.

If you use mouthwashes and sprays, only use them once or twice a day. Be careful to avoid overusing them because they can disrupt the normal and natural balance of microorganisms in the mouth.

If you have oral thrush already, use a soft toothbrush to avoid poking the lesions because they may bleed and worsen the infection. Replace your toothbrush on a daily basis until the infection clears. You can use salt water mixture to rinse your mouth after meals.

If you have asthma rinse your mouth after using a corticosteroid inhaler to reduce the risk of infections.

Treatment for thrush in the mouth.

If you are pregnant and have a yeast infection, seek prompt medication attention to avoid passing the infection to your baby.

Quit smoking

smoking causes oral thrush

Smoking encourages the growth of candida. You might have to quit smoking especially if you have recurrent infections. Seek help on how to beat the addiction.

A proper diet is vital


Our diet and lifestyle contribute significantly to the growth of oral thrush. Even with treatment, the infection may recur if you have a weak immune system and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Because yeast thrives on sugar, be sure to starve them by maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels. Limit the amount of the sugar and food that have yeast such as beer, bread, and wine. Highly processed and refined carbohydrates create an acidic environment that promotes the growth of the fungus. Eat honey and maple syrup in a small amount because they are also high in sugar. Limiting sugar consumption significantly reduces the recurrence of candida infection. Alcohol also weakens the immune system and also promotes growth of candida

Also, eat unsweetened yogurt to restore the balance of the microorganisms in the mouth and the body. It is recommended to take yogurt especially after taking a dose of antibiotics.


Other natural oral thrush remedies

Fermented vegetables

fermented vegetables cure thrush

Just like yogurt, fermented vegetables help to restore the balance of microorganisms in the body. It contributes to strengthen the immune system because it contains probiotics in the mouth and gut. Regular consumptions improve the immune system over time.


cinammon is great for oral thrush treatment

Cinnamon has anti-candida properties that control thrush. People who regularly consume cinnamon suffer from less growth of candida and therefore less oral thrush.

Fermented milk/ yogurt

fermented milk is a natural treatment for thrush

Naturally, yogurt has millions of healthy bacteria that kill harmful microorganisms and restores the right balance of the microbial flora. Use plain unsweetened yogurt since candida feeds on sugar in flavored and sweetened yogurt.

Coconut oil


Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties such as auric acid and caprylic acid that kill harmful candida when ingested or applied to the affected areas. Research shows that is more effective than fluconazole that is often prescribed for candida. Coconut oil detoxifies and cleanses the oral cavity and makes the mouth sterile. Put 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in the mouth and roll it between your teeth for 10-20 minutes. Don’t swallow because it contains bacteria and harmful organisms. Spit the oil out and then rinse the mouth with warm water. Then brush your teeth.


oregano cures oral thrush

Oregano oil also destroys bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms. It has powerful antifungal property and is effective to stop the growth of candida. Mix 1-2 drops of oregano oil in water and swish in the mouth. Do not swallow.

Baking soda and vinegar

natural remedies to cure jock itch

Apple cider vinegar has natural enzymes that kill candida overgrowth and therefore prevent oral thrush. It also restores the normal PH level that the body needs to kill candida. If you are breastfeeding you can apply baking soda and vinegar on the nipples to reduce the infection – this can also drastically help prevent the spreading of thrush to your baby (read more about oral thrush in babies here). Use one tablespoon of vinegar in the mouth every day until the infection clears. Dilute with warm water and add honey because it has a strong taste and odor.

Probiotics supplements

probiotics to cure oral thrush in women

People with a weakened immune system may use probiotics supplements. They help to restore the healthy microbial flora in the mouth. Once the good bacteria grows in number, they kill the harmful overgrowth of fungus. The healthy bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide that kills the yeast.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash kills off yeast just as the healthy bacteria would. Just don’t expect the nicest tasting mouthwash you’ve ever used! It’s not really very pleasant.

Tea tree oil

cure oil thrush with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an herbal supplement that has antifungal properties. It can resolve thrush infection when used as mouthwash. But be careful not to swallow because it is toxic. It is also great to pub on any skin that is suffering from skin irritations such as thrush or jock itch.

Now you know what is causing you oral thrush, and how to use natural oral thrush remedies.
However, If you find you are not having any luck with the natural remedies, or just want to speed up your healing then the next step is to look at the most popular products on the market for helping you treat your oral thrush.

What over the counter oral thrush medicine will help cure thrush in 2018?

For oral thrush treatment, doctors often prescribe antifungal medications. They are available as tablets, lozenges or liquid mouthwash. Some of the best available over the counter oral thrush treatments include;


An oral thrush treatment often prescribed for older children and adults.


It is an antifungal lozenge that you put in your mouth and keep it in until it dissolves.


It is an antifungal mouthwash that you swish around in your mouth and then spit out.


It’s an oral antifungal medication used for people who are resistant to initial treatments or who have HIV or AIDS.


OUR TOP FIVE over the counter oral thrush treatments are:

5. Candida Cleanse 120 Capsules from Purely Holistic

Candida cleanse will help cure oral thrush

Candida cleanses veggie caps is the best oral thrush treatment that cleanses, restores and strengthens your immune system. It is a natural formula that works in three ways. One, it contains effective antifungal properties such as caprylic acid, oregano, wormwood, and aloe Vera that eliminate harmful yeast.

Secondly, these capsules boost your immune system by restoring the healthy balance of microorganisms. It contains probiotics such as lactobacilli acidophilus that replenish the healthy bacteria levels. When the number of healthy bacteria increases, this prevents buildup of harmful fungi. Thirdly, it has cellulose and protease enzymes that restore hydrochloric acid levels in the gut. The acid is essential in fighting harmful bacteria and fungi when they enter the digestive system.

The downside is that you may experience flu-like symptoms as you use the product as a result of the cleansing process. When the harmful microorganisms die, they release toxins thus the reasons for the symptoms. You may need to take a lot of water to remove the toxins from the body and lessen the effects.  

Amazon review5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) Jeaniemumon “I had been battling candida for years. I took Diflucan several times and also tried other natural products with no success and I was very frustrated. I tried Candida Cleanse along with a probiotic supplement and I am thrilled that in only 3.5 weeks it worked! I took one capsule with breakfast and one with dinner and drank a lot of water along with cutting back on sugar and carbs, it was easy. The die off symptoms (body aches) occurred at 3 weeks and lasted for about 4 days. Purely Holistic gives you a 2 month supply at a great price which I couldn’t find elsewhere. I love this product and highly recommend it!”

Amazon review: – Leslie Farinas5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) “I have had issues with Candida since I was 14 (am now 28). I get really bad yeast infections and I can’t eat too much bread, dairy, or sugary products or I’ll get yeast infection symptoms for a while. I have tried to do these cleanses but they require SO MUCH WORK and dedication that I usually start off great and trail off as soon as I start to feel better. I bought this on a whim due to the great reviews. I must say these are definitely making a difference and I haven’t finished the bottle yet. After this one I plan to buy another so that I can really kill off these lil monsters hopefully once and for all. The relief I have experienced has been truly life changing.”


4. ULTRA 30 Probiotics

ultra30 probiotics cures thrush

Ultra Probiotics is a natural oral thrush remedy. It contains beneficial strains of lactobacillus that fights yeast infections and enhances the immune system. It is a high dose probiotic with 30 billion colony forming units of healthy bacteria per dose. By restoring the healthy bacteria it prevents recurrence of fungi overgrowth. Thus Ultra Probiotics boosts the functionality of the immune system. It improves your overall health and health of your gut.

The downside is it may interfere with medication. Therefore you need to consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a weak immune system or you’re taking antibiotics before you start using this product.

Amazon reviewAnandon4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) – “We all know how good probiotics are for our gut. Till now I usually just consumed yogurt for that but this a nice additional supplement. Honestly you won’t experience an over the night miracle or change using this tablet but it will gradually make your gut more healthy. It’s not an energy booster but over a period of time there is a definite improvement in digestion and bowl movements. My mornings are now much better. You can actually research all the individual components and this little bottle has a lot of useful strains that will help your body. For females it also helps keep yeast infection at bay which is and extra plus for me.”

Amazon reviewAmazon Customer4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) – “I was about 6 weeks away from my Caribbean vacation, and I couldn’t eat without horrible pain. I was bloated every day with no relief, gassy, irritable, with horrible acne, and just plain miserable. I felt so hopeless! After doing very extensive research on candida and probiotics, I landed on Ultra-30 as my choice of probiotic, and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY. After half a bottle, I felt 75% better than I had been. I ordered another bottle, and will continue to take daily, I truly believe this helped to heal my system. I also tried to cut back as much as possible on refined sugars and refined flours/carbs. I’ve slowly incorporated those things back into my diet with no issues! This has given me my life back – we leave next week with our vacation, and I am so thankful that I don’t have to worry about my issues!”

3. Potent Candida Cleanse from NusaPure

nusa pure candida cleanse review

Potent Candida Cleanse is another effective oral yeast infection treatment. It contains powerful antifungals, enzymes and probiotics. It eliminates harmful yeast by first starving and killing, then it repopulates the gut with healthy bacteria and cleanses and detoxifies the system. Potent Candida Cleanse prevents recurrence because it strengthens the immune system to ward off any infections that recur. It has natural ingredients such as caprylic acids, lactobacilli, aloe Vera cellulace wormwood and oregano that kills yeast cells without adverse side effects. It has no artificial ingredients.

The down side is that you will need to consult your doctor first if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have medical conditions. Also, it may take a few weeks before you see the changes, but stick with it.

Amazon reviewLucinda Vincent5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “I am going to be absolutely candid(a) here. I hadn’t had a yeast infection in years. I bought this product for a stubborn yeast infection that would not go away after a few diet changes and natural remedies that failed. I also bought a one day treatment, ovc medication in case this stuff didn’t work either. The ovc treatment is still sitting in my medicine cabinet. I took two of these and within a day, body balance back to non-irritating. After two days, completely gone. I did not take any more nor have I had to but I am going to start because this is really great for healthy digestion too. Good product. The best cure I have found to date.”

Amazon reviewBizmanJoe5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This is a pretty comprehensive product with what seems to be the exact ingredients of another “high end” product that costs much more. I’ve tried one bottle so far and the results have been noticeable, as the candida outbreak I have been experiencing is under control. I am ordering it again and this time, I will be placing it on the monthly subscription, so I receive a bottle every month. Over 85% of American have systemic candida and most are undiagnosed due to its varied and unrecognized symptoms. If you have any form of eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, itchy skin, flaky skin, unexplained rashes or welts, bloating, gas…it may be caused by systemic candida.”

2. Healths Candida Complex

Healths Candida Complex is a mouth thrush treatment with powerful antifungal properties. The natural herbs clear candida overgrowth and restores the healthy balance of microbial flora in the body to wade off infections. Healths Candida Complex is formulated with natural, non GMO anti- thrush ingredients such as oregano leaf extract, Wormwood leaf powder and Alo Vera gel that effectively clear yeast infections without need for other medication.

Another thing we love about it is that the bottle contains enough pills for 2 months! Not that it takes that long to cure candida – but most other bottles only have a supply for one month, which is borderline not enough. 

Amazon review: Katie – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “I am currently studying for the bar exam and recently discovered I have candida. For probably 2-3 unbeknownst to me, its taken over my ability to focus, and I constantly need sleep – no matter how much I get I feel exhausted and anxious. I’ve had these little acne bumps under my forehead skin for as long as I can remember, and sharp pain when I eat bread or any breakfast meal. As SOON as I started taking this, I felt it working. Within 12 hours, all – I mean, ALL – of the bumps under my skin were gone. I had no pain when eating breakfast the next day, less gas/bloating, and 3 days later, I have not had to nap in the afternoon after studying for the first time all summer. I’m in shock with how effective this has been for me. I am lucky that the only die-off symptom I have had is a slight headache (normal from the chemicals released when the fungus dies), and a metallic taste in my mouth. So grateful for this product, especially being so affordable and effective for people who really need it.


1. Aquaflora Candida High Potency

the best product for oral thrush

Last but by no means least, Aquaflora is an oral thrush treatment that controls candida overgrowth. Aquaflora is effective against multiple strains of candida. It has natural ingredients that have triple potency strength against yeast cells unlike other brands. It is a safe and tested product that is manufactured with high standards. It is colorless and odor less and is ideal for people who detest strong odors.

The downside is that the bottles are small in content therefore you may need more than one bottle to clear the infection.

Amazon review: – lizzyt5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) “I’ve suffered from recurrent yeast infections. I saw this product at Whole Foods and thought, hey, what the heck, I’ll try it. I’ve now used it for about six weeks and, wow, absolutely no symptoms of yeast overgrowth- whatsoever. I’m still rather stunned that it works this well but if I can get through another cycle without one yeast infection, well, then I’ll be 100% positive that this product has successfully changed my life!!!!”

Amazon review: – M.N.Lindwall5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) “I sometimes have issues with Candida, and taking a capfull of this every morning before eating or drinking anything else for several weeks kills it off pretty quickly. I keep this on hand. Highly recommend it. It was recommended to me by my chiropractor, Dr. McRae.”


So there you have it, we hope that our guide to oral thrush, what causes it and how to treat it has helped you in your battle against the common but irritating ailment.

Remember to treat your body kindly and continue to focus on prevention of thrush, as once you have it, it will always be a week or so before it clears up, no matter the route you take to cure it. Good luck!


What are the best soap substitutes in 2018 for thrush?

Last Update June 12th, 2018

Thrush Crusader’s Top 5 best soap substitutes for thrush in 2018!

Eeek, I’ve got a yeast party in my vagina!

Thrush (commonly referred to as “yeast infection” or “candida infection”) is a bacterial infection  that is caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus in your vagina. You might get thrush for a number of reasons, but one of the common ones is when the pH levels in your vagina are unbalanced.

Your vagina has a certain level of acidity that is perfectly harmonised by your body. When your pH levels shift due to poor diet, menstrual blood, antibiotics, or over-cleaning your private parts etc, the acidity of your vagina takes a dive, giving the candida fungus a chance to thrive.

And this can mean only one thing. Invasion!  …of the candida fungus

– What is thrush?
– Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections
– Why does my vagina itch at night?
– Thrush FAQ’s

While there are a number of treatments and cures for thrush (listed here!), it’s important that during your infection you don’t over-cleanse the area with normal scented soaps, or douche the area. Before we go into what soaps you SHOULD use, heres a quick list of how you should AVOID treating your thrush.

Avoid scented soaps to treat thrush

Overcleaning your lady parts with scented soaps and normal body washes are often too harsh for the sensitive skin “down there”. Standard soaps will remove any of the natural moisture that your vagina uses to balance your pH levels. With unbalanced pH levels, you are more prone to irritation, infection, and you guessed it… thrush!

Avoid douching your vagina to treat thrush

Douching is the act of cleaning your vagina and vulva with water or a mixed blend of water and vinegar, baking soda or other natural cleansers. There are also “specially formulated” douching concoctions that are marketed to clean the vagina. As with scented soaps, douching the vagina affects the area’s natural pH levels, and can irritate the area. While some claim that douching can assist with cleaning the area of yeast infections, it is widely researched that douching is in fact detrimental to treating your thrush and can have the opposite effect!

Avoid using bath salts, bubble-bath, soaps and shampoo when taking a bath

When taking a bath, ensure that the water remains clean and free of any cleansers or products that could affect the pH levels of your vagina. Do not apply soaps, shampoos, bubble baths or bath salts directly to the vagina. Even sitting in the water that contains these products can disturb the natural environment of the vagina and irritate the area. Either have a shower, or keep your bath water clean and free from soapy residues.

Here we’ll give you the top 5 soap alternatives to use to treat thrush and help restore the natural pH levels of your vagina!

5. Review of Vagisil pH Balance Feminine Wash

As the name suggests, Vagisil is one of the best customer rated products to restore your vagina’s pH level and cleanse your sensitive and sore vagina.

It contains Lactobiotic, a specially formulated additive which works to restore the natural pH balance in your vagina, whilst including a botanical blend of Aloe, Calendula and Chamomile to give you a super soft, light and fresh scent after you shower. Best of all, it’s gynecologist tested and hypoallergenic. This means it’s suitable for pretty much everyone, and can be used daily without irritating your vagina. Simply replace your current soap with this and your vagina will be thanking you within minutes.

What others are saying:

Amazon Review – Ada stars (5/5) – Before I used this product I always had problem with yeast. I’ve been using it almost 15 years, and in all this years, I had yeast infection only once or twice. Never ever would I use any other product!

Amazon Review – Susan K. McNish  stars (5/5) – This body wash is just terrific. I get a yeasty heat rash during the humid Southern summers so I use the wash with a natural sponge and the combination seems to enhance the cleansing effect, and leave it on while I wash my hair to prolong any medicinal effect.

4. Review of Sebamed Feminine Intimate Wash

This feminine hygiene wash is specifically designed for the delicate and sensitive areas of your lady V, giving you a gentle and mild cleanse with absolutely, 100% NO soap or alkali.

Like Vagisil, it also works to restore your vaginal pH levels that support the ecological balance of the normal micro-flora (a complex of good microorganism species or bacteria). Plus, this is so light it can be used daily. Recommended by dermatologists thanks to its pH level of 3.8, the Semabed Feminine Intimate Wash keeps your vagina’s pH level bananced while it gets rid of bacteria. It’s non irritating, and moisturizes your vagina thanks to the aloe vera and botanical bisabolol in the ingredients.

What others are saying:

Amazon Review – lizzyt (5/5) stars (5/5) – I am on my 2nd bottle of this wonder-wash and I love it. I am prone to infections and this keeps them at bay. It has a very light, clean scent and I feel great after using it.

Amazon Review – HelloKitty stars (5/5) – Im using is product for over 5 years, my doctor recommend this product because it has pH balance for our women needed instead of using a body wash to clean our Intimate area. I would suggest you to consultation with your doctor first. When you wash your intimate area (using this sebamed or tissue paper), make sure you clean it up from front to back. I only use this product once a day.

3. Review of 100% Natural Feminine Wash by Nature Certified 

If you’re looking for a 100% natural product that cleanses your vagina, consider Natural Feminine Wash by Nature Certified. This cleanser is 100% natural and 78% organic, made with biodegradable and plant-derived ingredients such as aloe, leaf juice, honey-suckle, flower extract, olive, jojoba, ylang ylang, lemon, lime and lavender.

The natural ingredients of lavender and ylang-ylang, lemon and lime oils give this a subtle fresh scent that won’t dry you out like other scented cleansers do. That being said, the scent is very mild so you might not notice it at all.

Also be aware that as this is an organic and natural product, the shelf life isn’t quite as long as some of the products containing chemicals in it (which could be a good thing!)

In any case, it’s a versatile cleanser that can be used on the face and body. As it assists in restoring the pH balance of your vagina, it makes it a worthy addition to your shower cleaning kit. Simply apply to your vagina, rinse off with water and pat dry with a clean towel and you’re done! It’s also great to use on your face and body which makes it a good overall cleanser.

What others are saying

Amazon Review – Cat stars (5/5)  I use this product as a feminine wash. In the past I’ve had problems with genital irritation and yeast infections. I’ve been using it for about 3 months now, and no yeast infections yet! So that’s a good sign for me! I’ve never noticed any scent, but it leaves me clean and happy down there (yay for pH balanced soaps!).

2. Review of Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash by Simply Sensitive 

This is one of the few listed products tested by dermatologists and gynacologists alike. This puppy washes away the odour causing bacteria setting up shop in your vagina and replaces it with a nice clean smell that’s as comforting as sleeping in fresh linen. Best of all, there are 7 scents to choose from:  Night-time Lavender, Simply Sensitive, Delicate Blossom, Morning Paradise, Island Splash, Naturally Normal, and Aloe Love. 

Like the others, it balances your pH levels, and is a great cleanser that leaves you feeling fresh and ready to go. However, note that some users experienced dryness down there using it every day, even though it’s advertised as a daily cleanser.

If you buy it online, it comes in bulk saver packs (why, Amazon, why?!) which makes it hard to trial and a bit pricey for a first time purchase. That being said, users rarely go back to other products once they use this. One of our favourite things about this is that it’s not tested on animals, and that it’s free from dyes and parabens. This is one product you can use daily that is has a big ethical tick!

Amazon Review – Dr Mom stars (5/5)  Bottom line: it works! Once I started using this product, I’ve always had that “fresh” feeling. No dryness or irritation. I use this product either ordered from online or bought in the store. I have come to find that it is a tad cheaper buying it from amazon in jumbo packs rather than individually.

Amazon Review – Shawnti stars (5/5)  I don’t even know how to begin to describe how this soap has changed my sex life! I love it!

1. Review of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Though it’s not directly advertised as a feminine wash, this Cetaphil cleanser is renowned for its effectiveness as a soap substitute for dry and sensitive skin. It’s dermatologically tested and won’t irritate your lady bits by stripping your skin of it’s natural oils and moisture. Plus, it’s versatile so you can use it on the rest of your body. People who suffer from other skin conditions such as dry skin, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Acne and Diaper rash will also find this product aids their skin thanks to the gentle moisturiser in it.

You only need a little bit to wash your bits, so it lasts a fairly long time. Plus, there’s no need to quickly shove it in the bathroom cupboard when guests come over as it isn’t specifically designed as a vaginal cleanser!

Amazon Review  zhabazon  stars (5/5)  When I find a product to be excellent, I tend to remain loyal. I may try others, but I return to the one which continues to prove it’s excellence year after year. Despite more costly products I’ve tried as samples, Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser has been my cleanser of choice for many years. 

So there you have it, our top 5 soap alternatives to help treat yeast infections, thrush, or Candida fungus infections!

Remember now ladies, that although these soaps will contribute a whole lot to the health of your vagina and it’s pH levels, it’s not an immediate cure or treatment for thrush. These soap alternatives are best used in conjunction with other treatments such as these creams or suppositories to rid yourself of thrush, or as a preventative measure to keep your vagina healthy and happy!

How do I wash my vagina?

The aim of the game is to keep your vagina clean and healthy, ensuring you don’t disturb the natural good bacteria in your vagina or change the pH levels. The good news is, that generally, the vagina is pretty good at cleaning itself! The low pH level prevents the growth of bad bacteria that can cause vaginal infections. It is normal for vaginas to produce a discharge that can have a faint scent, which is totally normal and not a cause for concern. It’s when the discharge becomes coloured, has a strong smell or strange consistency that you need to seek treatment.

When using soap alternatives, washing your vagina is fairly straight forward. Simply apply the product to the vulva, and rinse the area so that there is no product residue. Finally, pat the area dry after you have exited the shower to remove any moisture. Don’t apply products inside the vagina, and don’t heavily rub or scratch the vulva when washing with soap alternatives as this will irritate the sensitive skin and surrounding area. If soaps accidentally are applied in the vagina, you may feel irritated when you urinate for a day or so, and conditions such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis are more likely to occur.

Finally, don’t feel like you need to clean your vagina every single day. The body produces natural oils and washing every day can cause irritation.


Why Does My Vagina Itch At Night?

Last Update June 12th, 2018

why does my vagina itch at night? thrush treatment information.

The dreaded “Thrush” can be a real annoyance in any woman’s life! This is especially so as it makes your vagina itch at night.

Put simply, thrush can keep you awake at night and torment you with itchiness, so much so that you actually look forward to the morning coming so you don’t have to lie there writhing through an itchy hell.

Many women actually experience the worst vaginal thrush when they are getting ready to hit the sack, or as they are beginning to dose off to sleep and it can really drive you to the edge of your sanity.

– Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections
– What is the BEST underwear for thrush
– Thrush FAQ’s
– What is thrush?

In this article we are going to look into why your vulva itches worse at night, and what you can do to prevent it ruining any more precious nights sleep.

But before we do this, lets break down exactly what vaginal thrush is.

What is Vaginal Thrush?

In its simplest terms, thrush is yeast-like fungus infection often referred to as Candida Albicans. It is a infection that breeds and multiplies in warm, moist and especially dark places, hence why it enjoys a woman’s nether regions.

The thing to remember about thrush is that it is NOT something to be embarrassed about. Nearly all women (over 75%) will experience at least one case of thrush in their lives, with many having multiple episodes. There are some women that have common attacks of thrush, we hope we can help then here at Thrush Crusader too!

What causes Thrush and how do I prevent it from happening?

Here’s a quick list of what makes women more prone to thrush.

  • Antibiotics can often be the cause of thrush. It is always best to speak to your doctor about the side effects of any medication before you start the prescribed dosage.
  • Pregnancy can affect your increase susceptibility to thrush.
  • Certain contraceptive pills.
  • Diabetes. If you are a sufferer of diabetes you may be more prone to Candida Albicans.
  • Anaemic.
  • Stressed, emotional, upset & worried mental states can all influence your body enough to trigger a case of thrush.
  • Lack of sleep can be a big cause, especially when combined with the above emotions. Make sure to get the prescribed 8 hours (we know how hard that is in this modern age though, especially once you throw a couple of kids into the mix!).

If you notice you are suffering some of the problems in the above list, don’t despair! You have come to the right place to get the caring advice you need to kick your thrush once and for all. We simply don’t want your vaginal thrush to ruin one more day in your life.

Here are some simple suggestions to prevent a Candida Albicans (Thrush) infection:

Fungal infections like thrush thrive in moist, hot conditions. If you wear tight fitting underwear or a tight bathing suit/bikini, or even dirty underwear you are creating fantastic conditions for thrush to take root.

bathe or shower immediately after working out and dry yourself completely.
• change into clean underwear and socks every day.
don’t wear tight underwear or pants.
• get treatment as soon as you detect any symptoms – use our quick list above to stay alert!
Lose weight, very overweight or obese people have a much higher chance of infection.
• stay healthy, people with immune systems that are weak are definitely more vulnerable to fungal infections.

So…Why does my vagina itch at night?

If vaginal thrush is keeping you up, don’t fear, you’re not alone. There are most likely many women lying in a bed right now suffering along with you.
It is important for you to realise why your vulva itches at night, so you can implement steps to stop it and finally get a good night sleep.
Candida Albanans or vaginal thrush thrives in dark moist places, so when you are lying there under a pile of covers your body heat and sometimes sweat is aggravating your condition. If you do scratch in the night (whether you know you are doing it or not!) you are exasperating your condition many times over.
The main cause of itching at night however is from Vaginal Discharge.

What is Vaginal Discharge and what does it have to do with thrush?

Vaginal discharge is caused directly by thrush. It is a frothy liquid ooze that is released from your vagina. It happens at night as well as day and can be the cause of intense itchiness. This discharge makes rubbing and scratching almost unavoidable. Because of this it is vital to stop vaginal discharge as soon as possible! If you can stop the discharge you will be well on your way to a good nights sleep.

Ok, so How Can I Treat Thrush So That I Can Sleep???

Firstly, as you cannot always be certain that your symptoms of vulva itching and vaginal discharge are related to thrush it is always a good idea to visit a GP, family planning clinic or genitourinary (GU) and get their opinion – don’t worry, they’ve seen it ALL before so don’t be embarrassed!
If you do believe you have thrush then there are 2 different options for treatment available to you. They are Topical or Oral (or a combination of both).

Topical Treatments for thrush include

Pessaries and/or over the counter creams.
What are pessaries you ask? They are fairly large shaped tablets that are inserted directly into the vagina. This is usually done with the aid of an applicator to ensure they are positioned optimally within the vagina.
Length of treatment can differ depending on the type you have been prescribed, the brand and the severity of your symptoms. Also, suppositories or pessaries are typically prescribed to be taken at night when you are lying down, otherwise they would likely fall out if standing up – how embarrassing!

Topical creams available for thrush vary, but are typically applied directly to the enflamed area. Again the dosage and treatment plan will differ depending on the type of cream and severity of the patients case.

The other treatment option for thrush is Oral treatment.

Oral treatment simply means tablets or capsules that are to be swallowed.
They are in many cases thought to be as successful as pessaries (see above) and have a fantastic added benefit of destroying any bowel yeast that may exist as the tablet passes through your body.
They are a preferred treatment over pessaries too as they are a much more common way to take medication (simply swallowing a tablet like you would for a headache) and they don’t cause any mess or staining that can occur with creams.

Remember that whatever medication is prescribed it is important to complete the whole course as advised and not stop early. This will ensure a repeat attack of thrush doesn’t occur.

How you can prevent thrush from attacking in future?

If you are prone to thrush, and have had it multiple times then this would suggest you need to change some conditions of your life to be a less suitable target for thrush.

  • Avoid tight clothes – this included nylon undies, tight jeans, trousers and tight tights!
  • Try to wear more skirts if you are more of a pants girl. This will allow for more fresh air to pass your privates and keep moisture at bay.
  • Wear light, breathable cotton underwear. This will also help prevent moisture building up.
  • Try to avoid using pads or panty liners in the middle of an infection. These sanitary items do not breath and can encourage the growth of yeast in your vagina. A cup inserted into the vagina allows the vagina to breathe and doesn’t disturb the moisture balance.
  • Don’t douche your vagina. Douching involves washing your vagina with water to “clean” your vagina and eliminate odours. Some women also mix vinegar or baking soda with the water. However, douching affects the PH level of your vagina which can lead to irritation, infection, and you guessed it – thrush!
  • Use natural un-perfumed soaps. Smelly soaps may contain artificial ingredients that can become very irritating to the body and trigger a case of thrush.
  • After you visit the toilet, always wipe from front to back. This avoids any contamination of the vulva from yeasts that may have travelled from the bowel.
  • Please, please, please wear clean underwear every day (…You’d be surprised).
  • Avoid scratching at all costs. This is the hardest to implement but also the most important point.

How long does it take to cure thrush?

Unfortunately it make take a week or two to get rid of your thrush problems.
It is very important to remember that as the infection recedes you must make sure to keep up the treatments or it may return and all of your hard work will have been for nothing.
If for some reason your conditions do not improve after 2 weeks then you should definitely make an appointment to see your local GP or GU for a checkup, there may be something more nasty at play.

While you will find your thrush problems to be a very, very frustrating condition, try to remember that it is also very common so you should NOT feel embarrassed or ashamed in any way.
It is simply part and parcel with being a woman. Topical and Oral treatments are available at most pharmacies and if you are unsure about the instructions given don’t hesitate to discus this with your pharmacist or get in touch with us here. Together we can crusade toward a thrush free life!

Can I have sex if I have thrush?

You can still have sex when you have thrush, though you may find it uncomfortable for a number of reasons. Your skin is sensitive, and you may experience a burning sensation during and after sex. It’s important to be aware that many of the treatments for thrush weaken the materials used in condoms, so make sure that the treatment is applied after sex, and not before.

It’s also worth noting that while thrush is not an STD, about 15% of men experience redness and irritation after having sex with someone affected by thrush. If this happens to you, consider seeking treatment as a couple, as it is possible in these cases to pass yeast infections to your partner during sex.

That’s all well and good – but I don’t think it’s thrush. What else could it be?

If the above description and symptoms just don’t seem to explain your itchy woes, there might be something else to blame. They may require different treatments to thrush, so it’s best to check with your doctor if you have any concerns.

1) Your itching could be due to Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic condition that causes thin, white, shiny and smooth patches of skin to become very itchy around the genital area. These patches of skin can become thin and crinkled, which means that the skin may tear easily, as well as bruise bright red or purple colours. You’ll find these patches near the anus, vulva or vagina, and it can cause pain during sex (noooo!), as well as general soreness in the affected area.

Treatment usually requires steroid creams to treat the inflammation and itching, or ultraviolet light treatments to the affected area. However, with time and patience you may find the condition to improve on it’s own.

2) Your itching could be due to Bacterial Vaginosis

Your itchy vajayjay could also be caused by an in-balance of bacteria normally in the vagina, called Bacterial Vaginosis. When this happens, the normal bacteria is replaced by an overgrowth of other bacteria, causing a fishy odour, alongside a watery grey or white discharge, and you guessed it – an itch that just can’t help but be scratched! If bacteria vaginosis occurs you’ll usually find the itching gets worse during the evening or after sex. This is because much of the abnormal discharge stays in the vagina as you are lying down, irritating your skin and the area around.

Treatment usually requires a course of antibiotics, so we recommend speaking to your doctor if you are concerned that you may be suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

3) Your itching could be due to hormonal changes

If your estrogen levels in the body begin to fall, the tissues in the walls of your vagina may start to dry out. this can cause itchiness during the day and night, and can make sex particularly painful if lubricant is not used. This atrophying of the vagina is caused by hormonal changes, commonly seen in women 35 – 60 years of age.

Treatment of low estorgren can include estrogen replacement therapy, lubricants and some herbal or plat based remedies. If you are concerned about your estrogen levels, please speak to your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

If you feel like your itching may be something a little more sinister, or simply want to be 100% sure what is causing your vagina or vulva to itch at night, we recommend seeing your local doctor to be evaluated and diagnosed straight away. Sights that something more serious is at play include:

  • Bleeding (outside of your period)
  • Fever and / or chills
  • Experiencing severe pelvic pain
  • Experiencing severe cramping
  • Signs of infection in your sexual parter.


Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections in 2017

Last Update May 30th, 2017

Thrush Crusader’s top 4 Sexual Lubricants for Thrush-prone vaginas! 

If you’re looking forward to a good old romp in the hay, but are concerned about using lubricants that can have a detrimental effect to the health of your vagina, you’ve come to the right place.

Sexual lubricants can turn your lovemaking sessions into a whooooole lot of fun. But, behind the label there are some pretty scary ingredients, which can actually INCREASE your risk of thrush and yeast infections.

To find out what type of lubricants are really vagina friendly, we’ve listed the top ingredients to look for (and look out for!) when buying lube! Read on, my friend!

What makes a good Sexual Lubricant?

The tissue in and around the vagina can be incredibly delicate and sensitive, so if you’re planning a good old lovemaking session and are scrambling to find a lubricant, here’s a word of caution.

When looking for lubricants, not any old body lotion, natural oil or cream in your bathroom (or kitchen!) will do. That’s because many of these contain some harsh ingredients that can actually damage the tissue inside your vagina, causing irritations that can lead to thrush and yeast infections.

Studies have even been found to prove that women who use lubricants such as petroleum jelly can increase their risk of bacterial infection by up to 22%, not to mention women who use oils increasing their risk of bacterial infection by up to 32%!

So girl, put down that Vaseline jar, it’s not your vagina’s friend!

Those are some scary increases in infections, which highlights the importance of treating your vagina like the beautifully designed area that it is, and buying lubricants that contain natural and harmless ingredients!

If you’re in the lube aisle at the supermarket, dedicate a couple of minutes to reviewing the ingredients of the lubricant you’re considering, and make an educated decision using our tips and tricks for buying lube!

Tips and Tricks to buying Sexual Lubricant

AVOID… Glycerin

You’ll likely 1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.hisee this ingredient in some of the most popular lubricants, as it is good at making water-based lubricants more slippery. However, Glycerin is technically a sugar alcohol, and if you’ve checked out our FAQ’s on thrush, you’ll know that sugar is to thrush what honey is to bees. The sugar components in glycerin create a breeding ground for yeast, which is a huge plus for the candida bacteria, and a huuuuge bummer for you!

Keep in mind that Sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and maltitol are also sugar alcohol ingredients found in lubes that can give you a similar reaction, and should also be avoided!

SEEK… Silicone (Dimethicone)

Whiltick_clip_art_9457e silicone is not recommended to be used with condoms as it effects the latex and can make it ineffective, if you’re not using condoms during your lovemaking session, then Silicone-based lubricants can be a great lubricant. They last a whole lot longer than water based lubricants, and also don’t need sugar to make the consistency slippery! Double Rainbow!!

AVOID… Acetate

1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.hiYou might be familiar with the term “acetate” already, usually because it’s used in first aid as alcohol swabs as it kills bacteria. However, as it is an alcohol it also means it will dry the heck out of your skin, which can be irritating to say the least. Dry skin around the vagina can lead to scratching and tears of the tissue, which leaves you open to infections such as thrush, as well as STI’s!

So next time acetate tries to come to your love party table, a little “You can’t sit with us” is in order!

SEEK… Aloe Vera

tick_clip_art_9457Is there anything that Aloe Vera can’t do?! This magical plant’s extract is a brilliant ingredient in personal lubricants. It naturally sooths the area, and can soften the sensitive vaginal skin, protecting it from drying out! It’s also very slimy, which makes it awesome in lubricants!

AVOID… Propylene Glycol

1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.hiIf you’ve done research into organic foods and preservative free-foods, you’ll recognize Propylene Glycol as a preservative to increase food and consumable’s shelf life of their product.

Well! Although Propylene Glycol typically a preservative, in personal lubricants is actually used as a solvent as it contains acetone and chloroform. This can be super irritating to your skin, as the alcohol content of acetone can dry out your sin and increase risks of tearing, thrush and STI’s.

SEEK… Paraben-Free

tick_clip_art_9457The Paraben preservative is as popular in lubricants as it is in a number of other products such as cosmetics, deodorants, lotions, and even food. Made from hydrobenzoic acid, it’s role as a preservative stems from how it stops the growth of fungus and bacteria in products. Plus, it’s a super cheap ingredient, so is widely used in personal care and food products.

Sounds great, right?

What you might NOT know is that Parabens can affect the estrogen in the body, which can increase your risk of breast cancer. Not only this, it is also known to be carcinogenic, which can also increase cancer growth in your body.

Worst of all, Parabens can be absorbed through your skin into your body, so the more products you use with paraben, the more they build up in your body.

It’s a no brainer that given this information, Parabens are a BIG no-no when it comes to looking for personal lubricants. But we also advise that you try to avoid other products with Paraben in it as well, so you and your vagina can live a long, healthy and happy life together, Paraben-Free!

AVOID… Petroleum Jelly

1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.hiThough it might seem like this last one is a bit left field, petroleum jelly is quite a popular last-minute lubricant that people go for. It’s handy, it seems safe, and it’s cheap! What’s not to love.
There are actually a fair few problems with using petroleum jelly as a lubricant. Scientific studies have shown that has a direct link with vaginal issues, as it stays in the vagina for days after you’ve had sex and collects more bacteria than your grandma’s stamp collection. You’re likely to increase your chance of getting a bacterial infection in your vagina by up to 20% when using petroleum jelly as a sexual lube, so it is the one lubricant that we advise above all others to avoid!


Now that you know allllll about the ingredients to look for (and look-out for!), you’re ready to go out into the world and buy the best damn lubricant you’ve ever had! But, in case you’re strapped for time and don’t want to look through every teeny weeny ingredient list, we’ve done a lot of the work for you and found some of the best sexual lubricants on the market that are as good for your vagina’s health as they are for your sex life!

Thrush Crusader’s Top 4 Sexual Lubricants for thrush-prone vaginas!

  1. Sliquid H2O Original Water Based Lubricant

Everyone loves an award winner! In 2012 Sliquid won the Sexual Lubricant Company Of The Year – and for good reason!

Pros of Sliquid

Not only are they water based, but also glycerin-free AND Paraben-free! What this means is:

  • Sliquid uses plant Cellulose as a thickening agent instead of thrush-feeding Glycerin, which is better for you, and vegan friendly!
  • It’s Paraben-free
  • It’s water based, which means it’s super safe and can be used with toys and condoms!
  • Sliquid Naturals H20 isn’t flavored or scented, and doesn’t even stain for that matter!

Cons of Sliquid

Now although it might seem like this lube is impossibly good (they even boast that it will NEVER lead to thrush or yeast infections!), there have been cases of users having allergic reactions to ingredients such as potassium sorbate. It’s also been known to dry out and turn gummy after about 5 minutes of use externally (though you can reactivate it with water!). So be prepared that your love making session might take a pause while you reapply some lube or reactivate it with some water!

Amazon Review – Mir stars (5/5) – This is great. GREAT. I buy two bottles at a time to keep a backup in the linen closet. It has no smell, no taste, and no funny PH-destroying ingredients. I have no day-after funky odour and no itching. None. It’s perfect for what it needs to do. While there may be lubricants with more high-velocity slip (for those who are having the wild jungle variety marathon sessions), for most folks, this is going to be more than delightfully useful. My lady bits thank Sliquid.

 2. Pink Silicone Lubricant For Women

This subtly branded lube that can stay in your handbag without arising suspicions, (you never know when a romp is around the corner!), plus the Aloe Vera extract makes it a strong contender as one of the best lubes on the market!

Pros of Pink Silicone

  • When we wrote earlier about how Aloe Vera is a seriously good ingredient to look for in lubricants, we meant it! Pink Silicone lubricant features vitamin E and Aloe Vera, which naturally moisturize, lubricate and heal your sensitive vaginal tissues! Big tick for this one!
  • It contains silicon, a light, silky ingredient that is long lasting and can extend your lovemaking session. This also means it’s water resistant, aka “shower-safe!”
  • It’s unscented and flavor free.

Cons of Pink Silicone

Unfortunately, this silicone-based lubricant is so long lasting, that users have found it is incredibly difficult to remove and wash away! It can take a fair bit of washing to remove the residue, and has been known to stain sheets and material as well! Beware!

Amazon Review – Marcus stars (5/5) – My wife and I absolutely love this brand. We discovered it through reading reviews and now never use anything else. When we have tried other brands it seems like you have to use continually apply or wears off quickly. Then next thing you know you have used way too much. This brand is perfect. It only takes a small amount and that is it. No second application. So our first bottle lasted a long time.Once you are down to the last bit, the push top will not dispense the rest. Be sure to take the top of and use the rest. There is still a lot left in the bottle, enough for several more uses. Enjoy!

3. Shibari Kiwi, Water-based Lubricant Infused with Natural Kiwi Vine Extract

 If you’ve got a sensitive vagina that often gets thrush and yeast infections, Shibari Kiwi has all the right ingredients and accreditations to give you peace of mind in the sack!

Pros of Shibari

  • Shibari contains Kiwi Extract, which actively restores your body’s natural pH balance and nourishes your skin! Good for anyone who’s prone to a little thrush every now and again!
  • It’s water based, which means it’s easily washable and won’t stain your clothes or sheets!
  • It’s free of harsh chemicals, hypoallergenic and best of all, paraben-free! Perfect if you’re prone to having allergic reactions to lubricants!

Cons of Shibari

As it’s got kiwi extract in the ingredients, it has a slight kiwi smell, however it’s very subtle and you might not even notice it. Also, the water-based lubricant has been known to dry out quickly.

Amazon Review – Nasser stars (5/5) – After trying other lubricants from this line of products, we decided to see what else they had to offer. This lubricant is by far our favorite. I’m glad she got it for me. It doesn’t cause irritation or dryness afterwards. In fact it moisturizes our skin. Furthermore, since it helps restore her pH balance she doesn’t have to use other products to help restore it and stay healthy. I highly recommend this!

4. Astroglide Personal Lubricant

What’s not to love about a lubricant that doubles as a vaginal moisturizer? Astroglide lubricant aims to mimic natural body fluids, so you’ll barely realize it’s not all-you!

Pros of Astroglide

  • Petroleum-free! This is great as petroleum jelly is a huge no-no when it comes to lubricants as it actually increases your risk of thrush and yeast infections.
  • It’s water based and soluble, which means it’s easily cleanable and safe to use with condoms and toys.

Cons of Astroglide

When it dries out, you might be left with a sticky, gummy residue. This can easily be fixed by adding more lube to your bits, but the intermission between your lovemaking can be a bit of a downer!

Amazon Review – TheoStix  stars (5/5) – AstroGlide is my favorite. It has basically no odour whatsoever (other lubes sometimes have a nasty, putrid odour), which is nice. It is extremely slick and feels great on your skin (especially the hands, I’ve had problems with other lubes leaving my hands feeling sticky and uncomfortable even after washing them, but not with AstroGlide). It feels very life-like if you catch my drift, when combined with certain “toys”… It’s just a great, quality product overall.



Natural remedies for thrush! Cure your vaginal thrush naturally.

Last Update May 25th, 2017

Welcome to the internets’ number #1 source for all you need to know about Thrush! If you’ve come here searching for natural remedies for thrush, you’ve come to the right place! So put down your organic dehydrated Kale chips, pull up a comfy chair, and get ready to find find out what the best natural remedy for thrush is for you!

So you have a case of vaginal thrush (it’s ok – almost ALL of us ladies get it at least once!) and are looking on how to ditch your thrush au’naturale. Well before we begin, we’ve got to give you a mandatory teeny weeny little disclaimer. The remedies listed below have not been scientifically proven to cure thrush – however they do relieve the symptoms of thrush.

One more time: The remedies below aren’t proven to cure thrush, however you may find they relieve your symptoms.

Got it? Ok, good! Onwards!

There are a couple of natural ways to treat your thrush, which vary from nutrition, hygiene, vaginal PH remedies and the like. AND you don’t have to have dreadlocks or be a hippy to use them (though totally OK if you do!).

1. Nutrition!

Now thrush as you might already know is caused by candida, the fungus responsible for your infection. The candida fungus causes a yeast infection, and just like toddlers, yeast loooooves sugar! If you’re suffering from thrush, stay away from the sugary dark side of food and drink. Yes, this means avoiding processed sugary foods such as soda, lollies, beer, dried fruits and breads with sugar in them.

Instead, replace these with healthier and more nutritious options such as vegetables, lean meat, fish etc. You can even add some fruit in there for good measure (but not too much, as fruit has natural sugars that yeast will gobble up faster than you can say “woooaah boy”).

Not only will the reduced sugar in your diet give your thrush infection less to feed on, it is also generally healthier to remove large amounts of sugar from your diet anyway. Your cravings should subside in about a week, promise!

2. Garlic!

Ok, this sounds weird, but hear us out. Garlic and yeast are NOT friends. If you have ever baked bread, you’ll know that to add garlic while the dough is rising will kill the yeast. You have to add the garlic after the dough has risen and the yeast has done its job, or it just doesn’t work.

If it garlic kills yeast in the kitchen, will it kill yeast in your vagina?

Some say yes! If you catch a yeast infection at the very early stages (when you first start feeling the tickling of a yeast infection), garlic can kill the yeast by the very next day!

Step one! Take a fresh clove of garlic (not too big!) and peel off the natural shell it resides in. A normal sized clove is fine for most women, and you can leave it intact with no slices. However, if you need a stronger dose, slice the clove partially down the middle and slip a string through the cut so you create a tampon-style garlic clove.

Step 2! At night, insert the clove into the vagina. Leave it overnight to do its thang!

Step 3! In the morning, remove the clove and discard (do NOT use it for cooking!). Not only will the garlic have worked towards killing your infection, you’ll also note that no vampires have visited you during the night. Booyah!

Though one treatment might be enough to kill the infection, you may have to continue this for 2-3 more nights until your itchiness is gone.

Note that is best to do this at night while you are asleep. For some reason, women have reported that putting garlic into their vagina gives them a garlicky taste in their mouth. Weird, but true! So if you want to avoid the bad breath associated with garlic, perform this at night when no-one is around to smell your sweet garlicky breath!

If there’s no improvement over a couple of nights, consider using over the counter treatment to treat your thrush and yeast infection. They might not be as natural as garlic, but they will do wonders for curing your thrush. Check out our comparison chart for what medicine will work best for you.

3. Probiotics!

Probiotics such as yoghurt can do wonders to relieve your thrush symptoms.

Incorporating live natural yoghurt into your daily diet will increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut, in turn strengthen your musical immune system. The good bacterial can help kill candida and other infections. Plus, yoghurt is yummy!

You know what else you can do with live natural yoghurt? Put it on your lady v! No kidding! Smearing live natural yoghurt around the external areas of your vagina can ease the itchy symptoms associated with thrush, and can assist in treating the infection. You can also insert yoghurt into the vagina by putting it on a tampon and inserting the yoghurt tampon into the vagina.

Another alternative to eating yoghurt is to take probiotic supplements such as acidophilus. These supplements give you a higher dose of good bacteria than yoghurt. Check out our recommendations for probiotic supplements here.

Another probiotic option is to use sea sponge tampons. Soaking these in tea tree oil or vinegar and inserting these into your lady cave can do you wonders. But beware: the effects of the tea tree oil or vinegar can be irritating.

Still keen? You can get some organic tea tree oil here.

4. Vaginal PH Remedies

The normal vagina has an acidity level of between PH 3.5 and 4.5, which makes it fairly acidic. The acid in your vagina helps kill infections, so if you are lacking in the acid department, your vagina is probably in a sorry state.

It’s easy enough to test your PH level – simple get a test kit online (check out the top 5 PH swab tests here) or g to your doctor to get a test done.

If you find you are lacking acidity in your vagina, there are a couple of remedies to help get your levels back on track.

  • Add white vinegar to your bath (2 TBS per litre should be sufficient)
  • Dip a tampon into white vinegar and leave them in overnight

The vinegar will increase the acidity in your vagina, but be careful: for some women, applying vinegar in or around the vagina can irritate your bits and can be quite uncomfortable.

If you are still keen on equalising the acidity yourself but find white vinegar is too harsh, you can use lemon juice instead.
Or, there are plenty of ready-made PH balancing products available that are less stress and potentially less messy. Check out our top recommended 3 PH balancing products here.

5. Sexual Lubricants

Sometimes a bit of hanky panky can leave you high and dry – literally. If your vagina isn’t wet enough during sexual intercourse, the friction can stimulate a new infection or irritate a current infection. Using lube can reduce the damage of friction and candida overgrowth.

Need lube but want to avoid awkward bumpins with your aunty at the chemist while you’re buying it? You can get lube online easily and discretely – just make sure the lube you choose is not going to irritate your bits with additives and perfumes. Check out our article on what to look for (or look out for!) when buying and using sexual lubricants, as well as reviews on the top lubes to use!

6. Avoid Too Much Soap

If you clean your va-jay-jay as frequently as you check your facebook, you are in for some trouble, my friend. Overcleaning your vagina (especially with scented soaps!) can alter your vagina’s PH level and cause the dreaded thrush.

Stick with soap alternatives that are simple and non scented, such as these top 5 soap alternatives for vaginal infections.

Using these top 6 tips to a healthy thrush treatment, you will definitely be on your way to a healthy vagina. Remember these healthy remedies are not the end all and be all of thrush treatment. If your symptoms persist our best advice is to take yourself off to the doctor quick smart. Don’t be embarrassed by your vaginal thrush either. It is a fact that more than 70% of women will suffer thrush at least once in their lives and it is also a fact that most doctors will have seen it all before!



Top 3 supplements for balancing pH levels and curing thrush in 2018!

Last Update June 18th, 2018

A happy, carefree woman who has cured her vaginal thrush
Did you know that a PH imbalance in your body is actually a leading cause in vaginal thrush infections!

In this article we are going to break down
exactly what a pH level is
how it affects you and also show you
how you can combat it immediately with supplements
 how your food choices are affecting your pH levels
 how you can tell if your pH level isn’t in balance
and in doing so end your vaginal thrush infections for good.

Ph levels for combating vaginal thrush

So, like, what is a pH level then?

The human body – mine, yours, that creepy neighbour who freaks you out when you take out the garbage – all of us, our bodies are made up mostly of water.
The water that makes us up can have either acid or alkaline properties. These properties are easily measured by a scale called…wait for it…pH.

pH levels vary throughout the body, varying from being slightly alkaline (such as your blood, with a pH level between 7.35 and 7.45), to very acidic (such as your stomach, which has a pH level of 3.5 or below). A healthy vagina has a general value of between 3.8 and 4.5 – so well into the acidic range. Why is it so acidic, you wonder? The good bacteria in your vagina produces lactic acid, which reduces the pH value. This acidity level makes it difficult for the candida fungus to proliferate in the presence of beneficial vaginal microorganisms. But more on that later!

– Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections
– What is the BEST underwear for thrush
– Thrush FAQ’s
– What is thrush?

What does pH stand for?

pH stands for “potential Hydrogen” though that really isn’t important at this stage, you simply need to know what the measurements of pH mean!

The pH scale quickly explained!

Put simply, a low pH reading means there is a greater amount of acidity in your body. The higher the pH number, the higher the alkalinity.

The scale starts with 3.0 representing acidic, 9.0 representing alkaline (or base) and 7.0 being neutral and something you should aim to be. In the modern world that we live in today most females tend to sit in the 5.0 to 6.5 range. This range is too acidic.
As a general rule, women should be trying to maintain a 7.1pH and men a 7.3pH. If you’ve been playing along at home you will already have figured out that this is slightly alkaline (with 7.0 being neutral).

It is actually better to be slightly into the alkaline range than the acidic range, so that is why the recommended range is just above neutral.

What causes unhealthy pH levels?

Modern diets change pH levels dramatically
The reason most of us are probably sporting an acidic readout is mainly due to our “modern” diets. The foods we consume tend to create an acidic pH. Grains, coffee, eggs and meats as well as processed foods such as sodas, cereals and pastries are all leading causes of an acidic readout. To put the power of this into perspective listen to this! It takes 25 glasses of water to balance out 1 can of soda. Yep 25 glasses just to get you back to neutral.

The foods that we should be consuming more of to ensure our pH levels remain balanced and promote alkalinity include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Soy products such as miso, tofu, soy beans and tempeh
  • Herbs and spices (but go easy on salt, mustard and nutmeg which don’t do your pH levels any favors!)
  • Plants high in protein such as: beans (lentils, lima beans, navy beans etc), almonds
  • Unsweetened milk and yoghurt
  • Raw foods – by this we refer to raw fruit and vegetables – not raw meat.
  • Alkaline water – this has a pH of 9-11 so.

Other causes unhealthy pH levels in the vagina 

While vaginal infections themselves cause the pH levels fo a vagina to rise, some of the triggers outside of diet mentioned above include:

  • Menstruation. As blood is has a higher pH level than your vagina (remember, bloods general pH level is around 7.4, and a healthy vagina is between 3.4-4.5), the presence of blood during your period can cause your vaginal pH to be come elevated.
  • Tampons. As these sanitary items retain the blood in the vagina, and we’ve now learnt that blood during your period can cause your pH levels to rise. This means that you’re more likely to disturb your vaginal pH balance if you use tampons.
  • Sex. That’s right, your favourite bedtime activity is likely to increase your vaginal pH levels! Semen has a pH level of between 7.1 – 8, which can upset your vaginal ecosystem and trigger issues with your pH level.
  • Cleansing or douching your vagina. You may think that douching your vagina with water or cleaning products will help your vaginal health, but it can actually be detrimental  and do more harm than good. Water has a pH level of 7, so douching your vagina even with water can trigger bacterial infections. Additionally, fragrances and perfumes can irritate the vagina and skin so are also not recommended.
  • Pregnancy or menopause. During both of these periods of a woman’s life, hormones fluctuate throughout the body, and can cause elevated pH levels. While you can’t do much to stop your hormones from fluctuating during these times, there are plenty of pH supplements to help keep your levels balanced.

Different parts of the body, different pH levels.

Each area of the body needs its on pH levelled environment. For example, the stomach needs a higher pH to help break down the meals we stuff our faces with as a high acidity level will do exactly that. The small intestine on the other hand has its own recommended pH level as does the large intestine! A body in complete pH balance will regulate all of these different areas all by its lonesome. Our bodies are pretty smart after all!
What we need to focus on here is “whole body pH” and not the pH levels of individual organs. After all, when your whole body pH is showing slightly alkaline then all the systems of the body will have a MUCH better time of functioning as they should!

Ok, got it, but how do I change the pH level in my body?

There are many ways to change your body’s pH level, and here at Thrush Crusader we’re gonna talk you through the best natural and medical solutions so you can find what is right for you.

The first and most natural way to change your body’s pH is through your diet choices…the food you consume. Eating vegetables (cooked) is the BEST way to maintain a healthy pH range in your body. Second to cooked veggies is fruit. An ideal diet for conquering your pH level would be something like 3 servings of cooked veg with a little fruit. This would result in a healthy pH level and therefore a healthy, happy body.

This is really, really hard to do in today’s society. We are so busy that it becomes very tiring, stressful and hard to continually have our diets at the forefront of our minds. So to help us all out there are supplements which are wonderful at filling in the gaps in our diet.

So…What are the best supplements to adjust pH levels for thrush?

1. Nutra Cura – Perfect Balance Complex for women – Vaginal Health Dietary Suppliment

A powerful but gentle supplement that cleanses, restores and strengthens your vaginal health agains candida .

This easy to swallow capsule offers what they call a yeast management support system that treats bacterial vaginosis. Through promoting healthy intestinal function and bladder support, it reduces the likelihood of yeast overgrowth and thus promotes a healthy urinary tract and yeast balance. Full of natural ingredients, you don’t have to worry about nasty chemicals or artificial ingredients in your system when taking this supplement.

What we love about this product is that it treats so many things! It contains a probiotic called Lactobacillus Acidophilus which strengthens your immune system, and helps reduce vaginal discharge, odor and itching. What’s more- it’s researched backed which means that you don’t have to take our word for it! Made in USA in an FDA registered laboratory and GMP certified facility, it’s covered by NutraCura’s 100% total satisfaction guarantee. This is awesome because it means they really back their product, shouldering the risk. Simply request a refund if you are not happy. No silly questions and no hassle.

Amazon review –  5 Stars (5 / 5) 
“I’d started experiencing changes as I’m coming into peri-menopause, and one is that my vaginal flora seemed to change, and things weren’t, well, the same as before! I tried a few different options, including boric acid, ACV, and probiotics, but this is what has worked the best, and it was in only a couple of days’ time that it took effect. I take it with Mercola probiotics, and everything is back to my “normal” after quite a few months of struggling with the changes. Definitely worth every penny!”

Amazon review –  5 Stars (5 / 5)
“I don’t exaggerate when I say my results were almost instant. I expected to wait at least a month before relief, but these dissolvable capsules disperse the ingredients into your system and begin working quickly. A perk is that it has been a few days and my embarrassing odor has disappeared almost completely. Now I smell natural like rain on wood or fresh soil. It’s hard to describe but it definitely isn’t an offensive smell. I have never had symptoms like itching or dryness so I don’t know how it will impact those areas if at all, but the ingredients are almost identical to the balance complex for women and that has 1,000+ reviews and is nearly 15 dollars more expensive. Luckily, it’s equally as effective and perfectly healthy. I take two capsules a day as directed, one in the morning and one at night because the ingredients are very aromatic. I noticed zero irritation and I marvel at how long I’ve suffered before this cure. I will recommend this to every female I know bold enough to express their discomfort and seek relief!”

2. Balance Complex – All-Natural Complete Female Wellness SupplementCure thrush and balance pH levels with Balance Complex

The benefit of this product over others is it’s “Yeast Management Support”. this is there to help you overcome vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, and bacteria buildup in your vagina. It supports a healthy intestinal function and helps embarrassing yeast overgrowth. And the best part is, it does all of this with an ALL-NATURAL supplement.

This all natural supplement also supports menopause and PMS relief and is absolutely focussed on yeast balance support by restoring and maintaining vaginal acidity, or as we have already discussed…pH levels!

By balancing the pH level and getting it into the optimal position (a neutral 7.0 or slightly above) you will benefit with no more female odor, smell or vaginal discharge.

Ingredients of the Balance Complex female hygiene supplement include Oregano Extract (1.75% volatile oils), Caprylic Acid (magnesium caprylate), Protease , L.Acidophilus, Cellulase , Aloe Vera Gel, Arabinogalactan (FiberAid) , Anise Seed , Reishi Mushroom, Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood (artemisia).

Amazon review – Kimberly W. Larson 5 Stars (5 / 5) 
“I have tried many products to help create a healthy balance. This product is the best I have experienced. It creates the results I was looking without any side effects. I use it to support a healthy balance with my digestion track and manage candidal issues. I very please and I look forward to continuing this supplement.”

 Amazon review – Amazon customer 5 Stars (4 / 5) 
“This review may be lengthy, but hopefully helpful. So, long story short, I have battled bv for about a decade now, with some points being more severe than others. After years of prescriptions that led to needing more prescriptions to combat reactions to the initial treatment (bv treatment causing yeast infections), I finally found something that worked… then for no good reason, it stopped being manufactured and I went 2 more years searching for something to help. In the meantime, something really odd happened; I still had all of the symptoms for bv but my cultures started to come back negative, meaning I couldn’t even get prescriptions for (albeit crappy) treatment options any more. I tried the probiotics recommended, but they made my symptoms worse. Then I stumbled across these and figured had nothing else to lose. Well, I must say that I will be sticking to these! My excessive discharge is now under control and I can have sex again! It was a terrible ordeal before and I couldn’t imagine being single and trying to explain my situation while dating, luckily hubby has been here since the problem began all those years ago, but I was still insecure about even doing it with him. The discharge was literally ruining my life! So, this is definitely a BIG help and I am thrilled to have found it! I will add that considering the price tag, I stopped taking them daily and started taking the 2 pills 2-3x per week to see if daily use was necessary and have not experienced any regression in results. To save money, I recommend figuring out your “number”, if you will, so that you don’t have to purchase so frequently. Happy customer, highly recommended if you suffer from bv symptoms. Get your sex life back, ladies!”

3. RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic Feminine Supplement, 30-Count Capsules
Rephresh supplement to cure thrush

RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic is a simple but super effective tablet based probiotic that balances yeast & bacteria to maintain feminine health.

It has been clinically tested and was developed by doctors and unlike some other tablet based probiotics, RepHresh only insist you take 1 capsule per day orally as opposed to some other brands who suggest up to 4!
This means your pack lasts longer and does a whole lot more good per tablet.

It works by providing healthy probiotic lactobacillus. This is a supplement that effectively balances bacteria, yeast and pH levels to maintain your health.

1 capsule a day will help keep your vaginal pH levels in a normal and healthy range.

Amazon review – Lachica  5 Stars (5 / 5) 
“I freak’n love this stuff. I must admit, when I first brought it, I was skeptical. But I figured what the heck, I have nothing to lose but thirty bucks. It could be my vibrant imagination, but I noticed a difference within two days. A BIG DIFFERENCE!!! Ladies…you know what I mean. Well worth the investment.”

Amazon review – Kelly M.  5 Stars (5 / 5) 
I have s
uffered from horrible yeast and bacterial infections for the past five years. I have tried everything out there that is on the market and have taken every antibiotic available. Nothing has compared to these pills. I noticed a difference after about 5 days of taking these. I feel normal again and that is something I haven’t felt in years. The only reason I gave it four stars is because of the cost, but they are well worth it for eliminating my pain and suffering! I would definitely recommend this product if you suffer from frequent infections!

EXTRA! A completely natural supplement that is super healthy and yum!

Umeboshi Paste Pickled Plum Puree
Plum paste is a natural way to balance an acidic pH level

This is a firm favourite or ours! Umeboshi plum paste. It is available in some health food stores or can be grabbed on amazon here.

This is to be used when you feel your body is becoming too acidic! That means your pH levels are below 7.0.

To use it is simple, just take one teaspoon of it every day for a week. After your first week cut back your dosage to one teaspoon every few days, this is just for maintenance. Feel free to chase it with a little bit of water or adding it to another dish.

It works because of it’s super strength alkalising powers in the pickled fruits. It is quite sour to the taste (hence why most choose to chase it with water) but it will bring your pH levels into a good balance range very quickly. It is best used for quick fixes. Unopened, it can last for years. But once opened, best to consume within 3-4 months

A little more info to help you balance your body’s pH levels.

Breathe…it helps, seriously!
One little known fact which can have a LOT of impact on balancing your pH levels is to…breathe. Yep, seriously, breathe! Not just any old breathing though. It needs to be deep, measured breaths where you really focus on bringing the breath right down into your body. It’s calming nature does wonders to a persons pH level and you should practice deep breathing whenever you have a spare few minutes. It is also a fact that exercise is a great encouragement of deep breathing.

A bit more on food choices and pH levels.

One of the most neutral products out tree to consume are dairy products. This means they won’’t push the scale one way or the other.
Unlike dairy products, certain foods are better at alkalising. What we’ve done is provide a chart that shows which foods form more acids and which alkalise better.

The evils of sugar, alcohol, and other foods that affect your vaginal health

What you eat affects your body ph levels

Did you know that if your body’s pH level is reading too acidic (lover than 7.0) than your body will send you brain signals that it needs more sugar.
This is the basis for sugar cravings. It must be known that thrush thrives on sugar, so this can become a very debilitating and harmful circle. Don’t give into sugar cravings or try to balance your pH levels with sugar. Instead utilise the supplements in this article to do the balancing for you.
Once you have balanced your pH level back to neutral or slightly alkaline then you will notice your cravings decrease significantly or even disappear altogether.


Consuming alcohol can dehydrate your body, which can make it more difficult for your vagina to produce adequate levels of lubrication. While it may not lead directly to thrust, it will certainly make life a bit more uncomfortable ‘down there’ and should be avoided if you’re currently undergoing treatment.

Onions, asparagus, garlic and curry

Aside from giving you bad breath, onions, asparagus and garlic (and even curry!) can also give your vagina a bad odor! Eating these foods in large quantities can change the makeup of the bacterial flora in your vagina, causing a strong odor to be emitted that can take up to a week to go away once you stop eating those foods. Yikes!

Fried foods

While we all love to indulge in a cheeky cheeseburger every now and again, if you are prone to bacterial vaginosis, fried foods should be eaten sparingly. The high fat diet associated with food like french fries, processed foods etc are also associated with an increased risk of vaginal bacteriosis. Not only that – if you’re eating these meals it also means you may be missing out on some of the beneficial nutrients found in raw, vegetable diets which help regulate your bacterial health.


While we hate to admit it, everyones beloved drink could also trigger some of your vaginal woes. It’s been found that even one cup of coffee can kill 75 percent of friendly bacteria in the colon. And while we are mainly concerned about your vagina here, the results are still fairly distressing.

Refined Carbohydrates

If your diet consists of a high amount of white bread, white rice, pastas etc, you may find that you are more prone to yeast infections such as thrush, or bacterial vaginosis. Studies have found that foods high in refined carbohydrates can raise your blood sugar, which creates a perfect environment for bacterial to thrive.

How you can tell if your body’s pH level is not in balance.

Sometimes the signs that your pH level is out of wack are obvious such as a burning sensation when urinating or an acidic taste in your mouth, but most of the times it is very hard to tell!

The best idea is to get some pH testing strips. They are very common and easily found in chemists, drug stores or on amazon.

Here are the pH strips we recommend –HealthyWiser Ph Test Strips. They are also the number 1 most recommended strip on amazon.


Here’s a quick rundown of how to complete an acid test (or pH level test).

Saliva : Note – Do this before you brush your teeth in the morning. Fill your mouth with saliva and swallow. Do this twice. Then, spit onto your pH test strip. The reason you swallow twice before spitting is to ensure a clean saliva sample. Make sure to measure your saliva pH in the same way later on in the day. Make sure that both tests are at least 2 hours after your last meal.

Urine : Simply collect a small sample of your urine into a clean glass container. Proceed to dip the pH strip into the container.

Then match the pH strip to the associated color on the pH pack. This will determine your pH level.

I forgot…What’s a normal pH level again?

You want the pH of your saliva to be resting in a range of about 7-7.4. This will mean your body is happy and healthy. If measuring your urine then aim for a reading of 6.5-7. The difference between saliva and urine ranges is because your urine will naturally tend to be more acidic as it is eliminating waste accumulated in your body.

Ph levels for combating vaginal thrush

So now you know how important a healthy pH level is to helping you cure your vaginal thrush condition!
Remember to measure your levels daily if you are not in a healthy range otherwise once per week is enough.
