Why Does My Vagina Itch At Night?

Last Update June 12th, 2018

why does my vagina itch at night? thrush treatment information.

The dreaded “Thrush” can be a real annoyance in any woman’s life! This is especially so as it makes your vagina itch at night.

Put simply, thrush can keep you awake at night and torment you with itchiness, so much so that you actually look forward to the morning coming so you don’t have to lie there writhing through an itchy hell.

Many women actually experience the worst vaginal thrush when they are getting ready to hit the sack, or as they are beginning to dose off to sleep and it can really drive you to the edge of your sanity.

– Sexual Lubricants for Thrush and Yeast Infections
– What is the BEST underwear for thrush
– Thrush FAQ’s
– What is thrush?

In this article we are going to look into why your vulva itches worse at night, and what you can do to prevent it ruining any more precious nights sleep.

But before we do this, lets break down exactly what vaginal thrush is.

What is Vaginal Thrush?

In its simplest terms, thrush is yeast-like fungus infection often referred to as Candida Albicans. It is a infection that breeds and multiplies in warm, moist and especially dark places, hence why it enjoys a woman’s nether regions.

The thing to remember about thrush is that it is NOT something to be embarrassed about. Nearly all women (over 75%) will experience at least one case of thrush in their lives, with many having multiple episodes. There are some women that have common attacks of thrush, we hope we can help then here at Thrush Crusader too!

What causes Thrush and how do I prevent it from happening?

Here’s a quick list of what makes women more prone to thrush.

  • Antibiotics can often be the cause of thrush. It is always best to speak to your doctor about the side effects of any medication before you start the prescribed dosage.
  • Pregnancy can affect your increase susceptibility to thrush.
  • Certain contraceptive pills.
  • Diabetes. If you are a sufferer of diabetes you may be more prone to Candida Albicans.
  • Anaemic.
  • Stressed, emotional, upset & worried mental states can all influence your body enough to trigger a case of thrush.
  • Lack of sleep can be a big cause, especially when combined with the above emotions. Make sure to get the prescribed 8 hours (we know how hard that is in this modern age though, especially once you throw a couple of kids into the mix!).

If you notice you are suffering some of the problems in the above list, don’t despair! You have come to the right place to get the caring advice you need to kick your thrush once and for all. We simply don’t want your vaginal thrush to ruin one more day in your life.

Here are some simple suggestions to prevent a Candida Albicans (Thrush) infection:

Fungal infections like thrush thrive in moist, hot conditions. If you wear tight fitting underwear or a tight bathing suit/bikini, or even dirty underwear you are creating fantastic conditions for thrush to take root.

bathe or shower immediately after working out and dry yourself completely.
• change into clean underwear and socks every day.
don’t wear tight underwear or pants.
• get treatment as soon as you detect any symptoms – use our quick list above to stay alert!
Lose weight, very overweight or obese people have a much higher chance of infection.
• stay healthy, people with immune systems that are weak are definitely more vulnerable to fungal infections.

So…Why does my vagina itch at night?

If vaginal thrush is keeping you up, don’t fear, you’re not alone. There are most likely many women lying in a bed right now suffering along with you.
It is important for you to realise why your vulva itches at night, so you can implement steps to stop it and finally get a good night sleep.
Candida Albanans or vaginal thrush thrives in dark moist places, so when you are lying there under a pile of covers your body heat and sometimes sweat is aggravating your condition. If you do scratch in the night (whether you know you are doing it or not!) you are exasperating your condition many times over.
The main cause of itching at night however is from Vaginal Discharge.

What is Vaginal Discharge and what does it have to do with thrush?

Vaginal discharge is caused directly by thrush. It is a frothy liquid ooze that is released from your vagina. It happens at night as well as day and can be the cause of intense itchiness. This discharge makes rubbing and scratching almost unavoidable. Because of this it is vital to stop vaginal discharge as soon as possible! If you can stop the discharge you will be well on your way to a good nights sleep.

Ok, so How Can I Treat Thrush So That I Can Sleep???

Firstly, as you cannot always be certain that your symptoms of vulva itching and vaginal discharge are related to thrush it is always a good idea to visit a GP, family planning clinic or genitourinary (GU) and get their opinion – don’t worry, they’ve seen it ALL before so don’t be embarrassed!
If you do believe you have thrush then there are 2 different options for treatment available to you. They are Topical or Oral (or a combination of both).

Topical Treatments for thrush include

Pessaries and/or over the counter creams.
What are pessaries you ask? They are fairly large shaped tablets that are inserted directly into the vagina. This is usually done with the aid of an applicator to ensure they are positioned optimally within the vagina.
Length of treatment can differ depending on the type you have been prescribed, the brand and the severity of your symptoms. Also, suppositories or pessaries are typically prescribed to be taken at night when you are lying down, otherwise they would likely fall out if standing up – how embarrassing!

Topical creams available for thrush vary, but are typically applied directly to the enflamed area. Again the dosage and treatment plan will differ depending on the type of cream and severity of the patients case.

The other treatment option for thrush is Oral treatment.

Oral treatment simply means tablets or capsules that are to be swallowed.
They are in many cases thought to be as successful as pessaries (see above) and have a fantastic added benefit of destroying any bowel yeast that may exist as the tablet passes through your body.
They are a preferred treatment over pessaries too as they are a much more common way to take medication (simply swallowing a tablet like you would for a headache) and they don’t cause any mess or staining that can occur with creams.

Remember that whatever medication is prescribed it is important to complete the whole course as advised and not stop early. This will ensure a repeat attack of thrush doesn’t occur.

How you can prevent thrush from attacking in future?

If you are prone to thrush, and have had it multiple times then this would suggest you need to change some conditions of your life to be a less suitable target for thrush.

  • Avoid tight clothes – this included nylon undies, tight jeans, trousers and tight tights!
  • Try to wear more skirts if you are more of a pants girl. This will allow for more fresh air to pass your privates and keep moisture at bay.
  • Wear light, breathable cotton underwear. This will also help prevent moisture building up.
  • Try to avoid using pads or panty liners in the middle of an infection. These sanitary items do not breath and can encourage the growth of yeast in your vagina. A cup inserted into the vagina allows the vagina to breathe and doesn’t disturb the moisture balance.
  • Don’t douche your vagina. Douching involves washing your vagina with water to “clean” your vagina and eliminate odours. Some women also mix vinegar or baking soda with the water. However, douching affects the PH level of your vagina which can lead to irritation, infection, and you guessed it – thrush!
  • Use natural un-perfumed soaps. Smelly soaps may contain artificial ingredients that can become very irritating to the body and trigger a case of thrush.
  • After you visit the toilet, always wipe from front to back. This avoids any contamination of the vulva from yeasts that may have travelled from the bowel.
  • Please, please, please wear clean underwear every day (…You’d be surprised).
  • Avoid scratching at all costs. This is the hardest to implement but also the most important point.

How long does it take to cure thrush?

Unfortunately it make take a week or two to get rid of your thrush problems.
It is very important to remember that as the infection recedes you must make sure to keep up the treatments or it may return and all of your hard work will have been for nothing.
If for some reason your conditions do not improve after 2 weeks then you should definitely make an appointment to see your local GP or GU for a checkup, there may be something more nasty at play.

While you will find your thrush problems to be a very, very frustrating condition, try to remember that it is also very common so you should NOT feel embarrassed or ashamed in any way.
It is simply part and parcel with being a woman. Topical and Oral treatments are available at most pharmacies and if you are unsure about the instructions given don’t hesitate to discus this with your pharmacist or get in touch with us here. Together we can crusade toward a thrush free life!

Can I have sex if I have thrush?

You can still have sex when you have thrush, though you may find it uncomfortable for a number of reasons. Your skin is sensitive, and you may experience a burning sensation during and after sex. It’s important to be aware that many of the treatments for thrush weaken the materials used in condoms, so make sure that the treatment is applied after sex, and not before.

It’s also worth noting that while thrush is not an STD, about 15% of men experience redness and irritation after having sex with someone affected by thrush. If this happens to you, consider seeking treatment as a couple, as it is possible in these cases to pass yeast infections to your partner during sex.

That’s all well and good – but I don’t think it’s thrush. What else could it be?

If the above description and symptoms just don’t seem to explain your itchy woes, there might be something else to blame. They may require different treatments to thrush, so it’s best to check with your doctor if you have any concerns.

1) Your itching could be due to Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic condition that causes thin, white, shiny and smooth patches of skin to become very itchy around the genital area. These patches of skin can become thin and crinkled, which means that the skin may tear easily, as well as bruise bright red or purple colours. You’ll find these patches near the anus, vulva or vagina, and it can cause pain during sex (noooo!), as well as general soreness in the affected area.

Treatment usually requires steroid creams to treat the inflammation and itching, or ultraviolet light treatments to the affected area. However, with time and patience you may find the condition to improve on it’s own.

2) Your itching could be due to Bacterial Vaginosis

Your itchy vajayjay could also be caused by an in-balance of bacteria normally in the vagina, called Bacterial Vaginosis. When this happens, the normal bacteria is replaced by an overgrowth of other bacteria, causing a fishy odour, alongside a watery grey or white discharge, and you guessed it – an itch that just can’t help but be scratched! If bacteria vaginosis occurs you’ll usually find the itching gets worse during the evening or after sex. This is because much of the abnormal discharge stays in the vagina as you are lying down, irritating your skin and the area around.

Treatment usually requires a course of antibiotics, so we recommend speaking to your doctor if you are concerned that you may be suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

3) Your itching could be due to hormonal changes

If your estrogen levels in the body begin to fall, the tissues in the walls of your vagina may start to dry out. this can cause itchiness during the day and night, and can make sex particularly painful if lubricant is not used. This atrophying of the vagina is caused by hormonal changes, commonly seen in women 35 – 60 years of age.

Treatment of low estorgren can include estrogen replacement therapy, lubricants and some herbal or plat based remedies. If you are concerned about your estrogen levels, please speak to your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

If you feel like your itching may be something a little more sinister, or simply want to be 100% sure what is causing your vagina or vulva to itch at night, we recommend seeing your local doctor to be evaluated and diagnosed straight away. Sights that something more serious is at play include:

  • Bleeding (outside of your period)
  • Fever and / or chills
  • Experiencing severe pelvic pain
  • Experiencing severe cramping
  • Signs of infection in your sexual parter.
